Chapter 2

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Him above but with slight differences

Cole's P.O.V

Hi my name is Cole Matthews I'm 30 years old and I'm Alpha of the Dark Moon pack. I have dark brown hair, Greyish purple eyes, I'm 6'1, My wolf's name is Midnight, because His fur is black with speckles of glowing blue dots, like stars. My wolf is very big and when in wolf form we are 5'9. Midnight has gold eyes with speckles of purple.

Right now I'm about to die..

This meeting is too boring but I have to attend because some dumbass pack just had to try and Invade a very close friend of mines' pack, literally three days ago..

If I have to sit here any longer I'm jumping out the two story window.. No joke.. I will run.. Ahem anyways..

I'm sitting at the very end of a long glass table, staring with an annoyed expression, my hands are on the armrest of my black leather chair, as I'm sitting up straight pretending to listen...

My beta is out training the newbies and My third is doing some of my work that I've been avoiding about mates.. Dont get me wrong I want my mate but he or she just hasn't shown up yet... And no just because I'm rich and charming does not mean that I sleep around. They always try but Midnight always comes through and growls at them in a threatning tone to leave.

You're welcome *eye roll* (if underlined and with italics it is a wolf talking.)

'Yea yea' ( ' signals person talking to whoever in their head)

There are three people in this meeting. Me, The Alpha- Ven williams,  who looks just as bored as I do, His beta, and third- who is talking and making this whole thing sound like a soap opra..

'Hey Emla(- Third/gamma) come over here and end this stupid thing already'

'What? Is it too much for the big bad wolf..?*laughs and uses sarcasm*

'Shut up before I tell your Mate you ate all of my cookies this morning..'

'Wha- how dare you.. you know what she did last timeeee' *complains and whines*

'Mhm.. Exactly. So listen and do it.'

'finee I willl.. hmph' (she is a little, and her mate is a cg-fun fact)


Finally...I look at Ven and give him a slight roll of my eyes and he slightly shakes his head.

Five minutes later Emla comes in and says..

"That's all we have time for today boys. The alpha has a party to prepare for."

"Wha- Are you serious.. I would think that this matter would be more important than a dumb party." -Vens third Genna

I stand up and slam my hands down on the table. Midnight comes through and growls.. I suggest you shut the hell up. You do not get to disrespect my people, is that understood Genna.

Genna nods and looks down showing her neck

Midnight returns control to me and in doing so I relax slightly, then I look at Emla "Good. And thanks for coming Emla, you may go back and spend time with your mate before the party begins. Oh and.. Genna. Apologize for your behavior. Now.."

Genna nods and quickly apologizes then sits down. Emla leaves a little upset..

"I'm sorry about Genna's behavior Cole. She's just a bit on edge.. As her brother was kidnapped.. Though there is No excuse for it." -Alpha Ven

"It's fine Ven thanks though. I hope you guys enjoy the party we made for you, I hope by the time the party starts Genna is calmed."-Alpha Cole
I sit back down and wait for them to leave. As they leave I start to get a weird feeling.. But knowing I have a party to get ready for I ignored it.

I went through my suits and found a Dark purple suit with a matching dark blue and purple striped tie, and a pair of blue shiney shoes. As I set my clothes on the bed, I go to shower.. And as I shower and shave I wash every part- nipples, armpits, and downstairs- I really despise hair- I start to think about My Mate and how I would treat them, how much I would spoil them and just love them.....

As I get out and dry myself,  I slick my hair back, and I put on my suit, but I start to get a bit sad, and my wolf too.. Sighing I put on my cologne and walk out the door, going down the 5 stories.

(quick info-He is strict but also very kind and genuine to everybody. Just dont cross him. The omegas that work around get paid good and they have good homes. No one is beaten and if someone ever is They immediately get a fitted punishment, and that person who gets beaten or mistreated gets therapy and checked on frequently,, He also very much dislikes labels and ranks- Alpha, beta, Third and Omega.. He thinks it's downgrading. He is very open-minded- to lgbtq+ and makes sure to beat anyone who is a bully about it, even if they're in the pack.)

*He walks out the bottom of the elevators and makes sure to say hi to any Person-omega- that is working about. Once done he goes outside where the majority of the party people are. He makes sure eberyone is there in his pack even the people working,- after the omegas are done they join the party, there are no servants everybody helps themselves- He goes up the podium walking by His bffs and Emlas mate. He stands in front of the microphone nice and tall, breathing in the fresh air as it is october 29th..*

"Welcome everyone, I would like to say a few words.. First off enjoy the party and welcome The Monza Pack and their Alpha Ven Williams,*claps and cheers* Please be nice and enjoy the party but be on guard for anything. Women and children if at any time there is a threat go to the pack females as they will lead you to safety. That is all, I give everyone a wink with a dashing smile as I walks off..

The second is doneee. Now what will happen next..

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