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"Let's get the others now."

"Hisuke. Mission; Get team Guy." Sasuna ordered her brother making him smile widely, he is liking his sister's attention.

"Hai nee-san!" Hisuke saluted and quickly puts his mask on, rinne-sharingan activated as he sunshined towards team Guy, that is outside on the village doing a mission. Nakura rolled her eyes at Hisuke's attitude.

"Nakura. Mission; Get team 10." She ordered again, now, towards Nakura, who's swooning at her skin complexion.

"Understood my mistress." Nakura said with hearts in her eyes as she stares at the heart shaped lips of Sasuna. She disappeared with a trail of smoke towards a barbecue stand where the team 10 lays, eating.

Sasuna sighed.

"Now I'm stuck on team 8." Sasuna grumbles but gave a smallest of the tiniest smile on her heart-shaped lips. She won't admit it, but she have a liking on a certain Hyuuga with a shy and introvert attitude.

Sasuna smirked menacingly as she thought of a plam. She sunshined her way towards the grassy fields where the team 8 are staying, well, resting.

Hisuke follows team Guy stealthily without any of them noticing him. But being him, a clumsy bastard, he accidentally stepped on a twig that creates a cracking sound. He cringed as he heard every bits of the twig's cracking sound. That alarmed the tram Guy.

"Stay where you are. We're being followed." Hyuuga Neji said cautiously, the Mr. Fate Believer. He activated his byakugan and looked around, he spot an unusual chakra flowing around a certain part of the forest.

Neji narrows his eyes and held his palm out, Tenten watched every move that he made and looked at the certain part of the woods where Neji is narrowing his eyes with his byakugan activated.

Rock Lee, the most youthful student of Guy who is cracking his knuckles and jumping around, suddenly launched himself on the woods.

"Lee! Not so fast!" Tenten warned but Lee already launched himself. Neji facepalmed in dismay as he saw how Lee got tied in a string of purple chakra, that made him gawked. He never seen a purple chakra before, exception for Naruto, cause for some reason he saw orange instead of blue chakra.

"Lee!" Tenten shouted as she took out her scrolls and summons her large shurikens. The boy on the shadows sighed heavily.

"Onee-sama will be so angry." He speaks to himself making the team confused. Hisuke slowly walks out to show himself, the radiating purple strings of chakra rotates around him making the team gaped.

"Oh god." Tenten gasps.

"Sorry I'll use this one." Hisuke looked at the team as they gawked in shock. Two proud rinne-sharingan was seen, with six tomoes spinning wildly, multiplying making them nine tomoes on display. His eyes turned full red, making the three stare at his eyes.

"Tsukuyomi." Hisuke casted. The three who's staring suddenly fell under a strong genjutsu, making their eyes look like a rinnegan. Their bodies sprawled on the grassy plains as Hisuke picks them up one by one. His eyes turns back to a normal rinnegan, just like Nagato. He chuckled to himself.

"Nee-sama will be so proud of me. I mastered the Tsukuyomi." Hisuke grinned to himself, praising his self at what he has done. He summoned a black bird, that looks exactly like a crow with rinne-eyes, and ties the three on the back of the bird.

"Zui take them to the hideout." Hisuke ordered the bird as it chirped in response. "I'll be right here behind 'ya buddy." He grinned.

Nakura can't wait to finish her mission that is given by her mistress. She kept humming and skipping around shops to shops.

Nakura stopped for a moment and warily narrows her eyes. She saw Asuma waving goodbye to his team as he sunshined away towards the Hokage's office.

She simply grinned. Now that the sensei's gone, it'll be done quickly. She casually sit beside team 10 on the barbecue stand. Being who she is, she started a conversation quickly.

"Hello pips! For so you know, I'm going to kidnap you for a bit!" Nakura cheerfully greeted them and smiled widely. Seeing how their jaw drop makes her laugh loudly.

"Wind technique: Knock-out gas!" Nakura snapped her fingers as knock-out gas came out from her palms. The three genins of team 10 covered their noses but can't help to catch a whip of gas. It makes them nauseous and they suddenly felt light-headed, until their bodies gave out and slumped on the table unconscious.

"Oops?" Nakura said innocently as she saw all of the people on the stand unconscious. "I think I overdid it again." She giggles, not caring at all.

"Well! Might as well go now!" Nakura cheered and picks the three with an unhuman strength. She sunshined towards their hideout unnoticed.

Sasuna starts to walk randomly on the grassy fields until she 'accidentally' tripped on a rock. That didn't go unnoticed by three genins. She smirked internally when her plan commenced, well now she just needs to act.

"U-um.. A-are you alright?" Stuttered the shy Hyuuga who's looking at her in concern. Sasuna faked shocked and back away slowly causing for her to trip on another rock behind her.

"Well let me help 'ya lady!" Said the mischievous Inuzuka Kiba that help her up with a single pull. "Wow lady you're light!" He continued and grinned, but his grin faltered when he saw her blind eyes.

"Hey lady, what happened to your eyes?" The Inuzuka questioned curiously. He can't help it, he's so curious that he suddenly blurted out that question out of nowhere.

"Oh this?" Sasuna pointed at her bandaged eyes. She half-faked smile at them, made them shivered uncontrollably.

"I'm blinded when I was three years of age. Since then I'm not able to see anything." Sasuna half lied, she can through anything or anywhere.

"How old are you ma'am?" Aburame Shino questioned politely, that simple gesture almost made her smile, well, almost.

"I'm eighteen."

"T-that's terrible. N-not seeing for f-fifteen years." Hinata said as she started to twiddle with her fingers. Sasuna smiled towards the Hyuuga heiress and crouch down infront of her, making the heiress blush red.

"It's really not that terrible Hinata." Sasuna smiled, but caught herself, making that smile become a thin line as she brought out a tiny sack of sleepy dusts.

Sasuna blows infront of Hinata, and the said girl fainted in her arms. She looked at the two boys who's suddenly arguing about something she doesn't even carr and snaps her fingers making them fall asleep on the grassy grounds.

"Not terrible at all." Sasuna whispered and smirked menacingly. She picked up the three and flew away towards their hideout. She smiled unknowingly on the wind, she whispered a spell and smirked.

Suddenly a bright white flashed through the whole five nations making them blinded for a second and blacked out for no reason. Time stopped and they vanished in thin air.

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