"And I didn't communicate either," Astrid sighed. "I was selfish and too absorbed in just having fun whatever so I forgot I had the most wonderful man to be here with. And while it was fun to be with the others, I kept turning and looking for Hiccup. Because it wasn't the same without him there. But when we got back and he was grumpy, I just reacted stupidly. So it is my fault."

"It's both our fault," he insisted as Fishlegs raised his hands.

"Okay, please don't start arguing again about whose fault it was," he said swiftly. "It's just good to have you two talking again..." Astrid looked downcast but Hiccup leaned close and nuzzled her cheek, stealing a small kiss.

"I think...we've learned our lesson," he admitted.

"You know that Snotlout was trying to split you two up?" Heather asked directly and Hiccup's eyes widened.

"That miserable backstabbing creep," he muttered. "I gave him a chance so he wouldn't be alone on holiday after his girlfriend dumped him and we thwarted him stealing our room...and he tries to break Astrid and I up?"

"Helped by me being a muttonhead," Astrid murmured.

"Okay-so you didn't help...but Snotlout can be pretty sneaky and astonishingly manipulative when he tries..." Hiccup reminded her.

"Yeah...for an immature self-absorbed lazy unfaithful mutton-headed yak-brained bath-shy irritating creep," she said sharply. He chuckled.

"I think we should get cards printed with that on," he suggested.

"Personally I think we should get him drunk and get it tattooed on him," Astrid muttered darkly. Hiccup burst out laughing.

"That would be extremely mean..." he murmured as he fished out his phone and began to text. "But just in case..."

"What are you plotting, Babe?" Astrid asked him.

"I couldn't possibly say," he murmured. "But Snotlout is out with the twins..." Astrid swatted his shoulder.

"You wouldn't..." she murmured but he gave a smirk.

"Of course I wouldn't," he said smugly. "But the twins might..."


Snotlout fell asleep in the sun on his front, leaving the twins with an almost-dilemma. Responsible, caring friends would rub sun cream on their friend's exposed back to prevent him burning...but twins, while friends, were the kind of friend you never turned your back on, let alone fell asleep on. And they were feeling guilty that they may have hurt two of their friends-especially Ruff, who had been secretly happy when Hiccup and Astrid had finally got together.

"Well, brother Nut...what shall we do with this unexpected but welcome opportunity for mischief?" she asked her twin as Tuff rubbed his hands in glee and grabbed the sunblock.

"You know we can't resist this," he replied. "The only question is what?"

The pair shared a look and then squabbled over the cream until Ruff found another tube in her rucksack. They shared a glance.



"...GO!" they whispered and began to squirt.

Five minutes later, they stared at their work.

"I think we've got them all done very well," Tuff commented but his sister frowned.

"Muttonhead!" she hissed. "There are only FOUR Teletubbies!" Tuff grinned.

"Well, if there's a Tinky-Winky...that's one's just Snotty Winky," he said, staring at the obscene shape beside the very wobbly outline of the largest Teletubby. Ruff rolled her eyes.

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