7-A Maniac Who Chops People's Heads For Fun(Rose's POV)

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We were in Violet's car. She was driving.

"uhh if you don't mind me asking, where the hell are we going?" D asked.

Violet muttered something that very much sounded like 'no idea'.

"We can go to my house." suggested Diya.

If I were not wearing my seat belt I would have straight hit the windshield.

There was a unison ow from me and Diya as we looked at Vi for explanation.

"The fuck! You tryna kill us Vi," I screamed.
She had brought the car to an abrupt halt. I was in shotgun and I had felt Diya's head hit my head rest.

"We are not going to your home." Violet said very calmly as if she had not almost killed all of us.

"Okay I will let you explain before I bash your head in the dashboard." Diya announced. I don't think I would have taken Diya seriously if I had not seen her bashing someone's head on the wall. Live.

Violet looked at Diya and then me. "Diya, you live right next to Ash Wright's home."

As if this explained her almost killing us.

"And that's a problem...how?" I asked

"Rose you don't understand. Nither of you do," she said. "It's best if you stay away from him. Ash is not the most calm and rational person when anger hits his head," she continued.

"No one has ever ever dared to do what you did in there." she said she finished.

I had never seen Violet so serious before. Serious and remaining quite was Diya's forte.

"You make him sound like some maniac who chops people's head for fun," I said

"Rose his anger issues are no secret to the student population."

Diya had been listening to the conversation quitly when she pipped in.
"Take us to my house."

"Diya..." Vi started but diya cut in seriously.

"Vi you know where I live she will be safe. And take us to your and her house first take your bags we will spend the night at my house and go to school from there directly."

"Besides you can keep an eye on Ash like that, we can leave after he leaves for school." Diya finished.

That shut Violet up. At the prospect of spying someone she would say yes to anything.

Now I was super confused. They made Ash sound like some murderer and I don't know why but it really bothered me. I mean I didn't even know the guy, but I felt the need to defend him. So I kept my mouth wisely shut.


"You live in a freaking mansion!" I exclaimed to diya for like fifth time after entering the bungalow.

She rolled her eyes at me.

"How come you never mentioned this?" pointing no where in perticular.

"I did, it's not my fault you live in that head of yours for half the time." she laughed.

I was really stunned and then we got out in the garage. And my jaw dropped to the floor.
She doesn't own a car my foot.
There were 3 perfect cars so expensive looking that by selling one of these I would have bought us a really cute house instead of the apartment we live in.

Now it was Vi's turn to freak out.

"No car. No car. You said you don't have a car," She gasped.

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