Chapter One

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Taylor Pov:
I remember the day I was brought into the vampire world. It was Bella's birthday and the party was happening at the Cullens house. I was in the woods , enjoying the cool air. Being with group of people isn't my type of party. I left when Bella was getting her presents so no one knows I left because they're too focus on Bells.

I felt relaxed and enjoyed the quiet. Suddenly, I heard a branch snap "hello?" I asked , looking behind me . Jasper walked out of the shadows and I gasped when I seen his eyes black . He snarled at me and crouched "Jasper?" I stuttered , backing away.

He jumped at me but something tackled him. I couldn't even see what it was! It was that fast. The cullens rushed towards me "Taylor you okay?" They asked me. I was too shocked to respond .

I realized it was Emmett who tackled Jasper. How did he do that? He was too fast for me to see anything! They aren't human. No human can go that fast! "Taylor?" Alice rushed up to me when I collasped. My eyes rolled behind my head and blackness took over me. The stress of what happened was too much for me.

After that event, I woke up and they explained everything to me about vampires. At first I was scared but they explained that they don't hurt people . They drink blood from animals. They told me that they were "vegetarian" which made me laugh, but now I trust them.

"Taylor! Wake up" Someone yelled in my ear. I jumped and opened my eyes. Bella was glaring at me "how are you sleeping at this time?!" She exclaimed. I frowned at her attitude.

"It's his fault!" I rolled my eyes. She was about to say something until I snarled at her "SHUT UP! Don't take your anger onto me" I snapped at her. I looked out the window .

"I'm sorry Tay" Bells whispered. I ignored her and put in my headphones to listen to my music. We're heading towards Italy to save Edward. He thought Bella was dead so he wants to kill himself by revealing himself to the humans.

What a stupid idea! The volturi will kill him if he does that. Bella has been freaking out and I've been too tired to care. I've been busy taking care of Bella since she has been depressed.

Suddenly , I got a feeling in my chest and I needed to be in Italy! Something was calling me . Now I was excited and nervous to visit the Volturi , which made me confused.

Bella ran out of the car to stop Edward. Alice and I parked the car since Edward will hear our thoughts. "Alice something is calling me to the tower" I told her. She looked at me confused and her face went blank.

She was having a vision! "I shouldn't have brought you " Alice exclaimed. "Alice I'm fine.. wait what did you see?" I asked. Alice covered her face with a fabric and dragged me with her.

"Can't explain right now" she told me. I groaned and tried to keep up when we got to a tower, the feeling got even more stronger. It was making me feel warm! The tower looks anicent so I had to look around. Alice pushed the door which caused it to broke.

I raised my eye at her and she just smiled at me. I shook my head at her and entered the building. Bella was with Edward and two other vampires were with them. I gulped when I seen red eyes human blood drinkers!

Rage went into my veins when I seen Edward "HOW DARE YOU! " I yelled rushing towards Edward. I slammed him to the wall "You left Bella in the FUCKING woods! She could of died! Then you tried to kill yourself! YOUR SO SELFISH!" I screamed at him, slapping him across the face.

I heard a snap and pain raced through my arm . I bit my lip to stop myself from crying . "Taylor!" Bella exclaimed , seeing my broken hand. "I'm fine Bella. We will talk about this later Cullen" I snarled at Edward.

The Volturi were smirking and looked impressed. My eyes went to a brown haired vampire and I felt energy hit me in my chest . I needed to touch him and be by him! He looked at me and smiled with love in his eyes.

I looked away and sang a song so Edward won't hear my thoughts. "I like this girl" a girl said , walking towards us. Edward tensed up and covered Bella. "Jane" he said. "Lets go" Jane said, walking away.

Alice went by my side and walked with me as we walked deeper into the building. Pain was hitting me and I wanted to cry! I whimpered when Alice accidently hit my hand.

The vampire looked at me and looked worried. I ignored him and continued to walk . "Who are they?" I whispered , knowing it was useless since they're vampires and they have amazing hearing .

"The buff vampire is Felix and beside him is Demteri. You already know Jane" Edward told me. I nod Demteri ... the name fits him. He looks like an angel to me. We were at a huge door and Jane knocked onto it.

As everyone walked in , I went to the back and hide behind Alice. I was feeling scared! I was too mentally and physically drained. All I wanted to do was sleep. " Ah sister! They sent you out for one and you get two... and a half. Such a clever girl" Someone said, but I couldn't see who it was.

Demetri stayed behind me and I felt his breath on my neck. I was feeling warm and dizzy. He was so close to me! "You have another human!" A voice yelled. "Caius calm down" A calm voice told the angry person.

I froze when I realized they're talking about me. "My dear who are you?" One of the leaders asked me. Felix pushed me to the center of the room , making me glare at him.

He smirked and winked at me . I rolled my eyes " I'm Taylor Hunter sir " I told the black haired vampire. He looked too happy! He was grinning and staring at me.

"Do you know what we are?" he asked, speeding in front of me. I gulped and nod "yes but sadly I don't know your names" I explained. "Edward shame on you!" The leader told him. " I'm Aro. My brothers behind me are Caius and Marcus" Aro told me , getting closer to me.

I wanted to back away from him , but I looked to my right to see a black haired vampire next to Caius. He was even more attractive! He looks around my age. I was drooling over the vampires! The voluri has attractive members and makes me feel ugly .The vampire gasped as he stared at me. I blushed and looked away when Marcus gave Aro his hand.

Alice went by my side and pulled me away from the leaders. "Oh my" Aro said , looking at me. Edward growled at Aro's thoughts. " Taylor is Alec and Demetri's mate" Aro said. I was confused! What does that mean?

Edward snarled and hid me "We promise to turn Bella but leave her alone" he told Aro. The black haired teen growled at him "she's human!" Caius exclaimed .

He has a bad temper . Edward grabbed me and picked me up , running from the Volturi. I gasped when he was using vampire speed and I can't breathe. "GET THEM!" Someone yelled.

Blackness took over me because lack of air and I went limp on Edwards shoulder. "Taylor don't worry we will hide you from them" Someone told me as my eyes closed.

The Volturi Girl ( Demetri x Oc x Alec)Where stories live. Discover now