akrasia: the lack of self-control

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The week was quiet. Nothing exciting happened, but Ruby decided that she would come to school after six days of absence. Jane and I sat in the hallway waiting for her, per her request, so we could all walk into first period together.

She gripped onto her schoolbooks tightly and shuffled down the hallway, keeping her head low. The normally cheerful girl, who usually wore mostly pink, was wearing an all-black dress today. Perhaps she was mourning the loss of her feelings for Gilbert, but it was an odd change for Ruby. I hope she goes back to pink soon.

"Hello, Anne. Jane. I think I'm ready." She gave a curt nod and planted herself firmly in front of the door.

"You look rather punctual today, Ruby. I'm glad to finally see you back in school. Now, shall we?" I laced an arm with the nervous girl, Jane on her other side. I opened the door for Ruby and we attempted to walk in.

Ruby began hyperventilating and shut the door, "I can't do it! I'm going to see his face and break down again! Anne, you're the smart one, what should I do?" 

I thought for a second. "Um. Maybe I walk in before you, and Jane after you? You'll be shielded from his face and sandwiched in between us so you can't run away. We'll get you to your desk, and you won't even notice he's there. How's that sound?"

Jane agreed to the idea but Ruby was hesitant. 

"Come on, Ruby. You're going to have to face your fears at some point."

She sighed, "I mean I guess so," she shuffled in place as she continued her stalling," Perhaps he won't recognize me because I'm wearing black," she muttered.

I chuckled, "Maybe."

Regaining her confidence, she announced, "Ok! Let's go!"

We did our little plan and Ruby squeezed her eyes shut the entire time. Jane led her to her desk in the back of the room, and I left for my seat next to Gilbert. When she was seated, she opened one eye to check if it was safe. I gave her a thumbs up and she let out a long breath. Oh, how dramatic that girl could be!

Gilbert was quiet again today. Frankly, he's been like this for the past week or so. I've kept my mouth shut for the past few days, but I'm getting a tad bit curious.

"Hey, Blythe."

He looked up from his desk and gives me a half-smile, "Hey."

"So uh--how was your weekend?" I asked.

He gave a long and deep-rooted sigh, "I've had better."

I felt like I should have just kept my mouth shut, but curiosity still trumped over the awkwardness. "You've been rather quiet lately. How come?"

He gave an empty chuckle, "Finally interested in me, I see?"

I scoffed, "No," I crossed my arms, "I'm just...a  genuinely curious person." I cringed at my excuse. 

"I appreciate it, truly..." he shook his head, "But I really don't feel like talking about it, nor do you want to hear it. It's far too boring for that vivacious mind of yours." He gave me a half-hearted smirk before opening up a book. 

I smiled to myself at his comment about me.

Jane came over to our desks with her phone in hand, "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that my idiot brother is throwing a bonfire tonight and wants everyone to come."

Gilbert looked up from his book, perplexed, "He's throwing a party on a school night?"

She shrugged, "I don't ask too many questions. It's easier to just be the messager rather than stirring up trouble with him. You know how he can be...always fighting," she shuttered, "I'd rather not be on his bad side. So do you guys want to come?"

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