"I'm sorry, I couldn't come over. It's just been really busy for me lately and coach has been riding us hard these past few weeks. You should've seen what he did to Tristan this morning for missing practice." He starts talking still holding onto my hand.

"Hmm, sounds sexual," I reply laughing as he facepalms.

"So how are you, my queen?" He says kissing the back of my hand a hundred times.

I laugh. Just taking in how overly confident Alai has become I mean he was always really confident but this was really funny.

"Okay, give her some space." Tristan says shoving him away. "You need to learn how to treat a lady Alai, she doesn't need love, ew. You know you need to protect her," Tristan says jokingly to Alai.

"From what." Alai asks.

"For starters handsy weirdos like you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take her to class. We have geography first period and..—"

Squeal. I don't hear the rest of what Tristan says or is about to say as I squeal as my feet lift of the ground and I'm picked up by some macho giant.

"Devon, what are you doing you're scaring her!" I hear Alai say in a matter of fact tone.

How did I not hear someone as big as this sneak up on me. My face was some inches away staring down at hazel gold eyes.

"Put her down, Devon." Tristan tells him and thankfully he does.

"Y'all need to chill. It's Aria this is our thing." He says like it's no big deal that he just lifted me like I weighed nothing.

I looked at the caramel skinned tall hunk that decided to try to use me as a cardio equipment. I could just slap some sense into him but I'm sure a good explanation will come from this.

"No, it used to be your thing." Tristan argued then lowered his voice as though saying something forbidden as he asked Devon. "Don't you remember the accident?"

"Oh..." He moans as realization clouds his features. "I am so sorry. You probably don't remember me and think I'm crazy." He quickly tries to apologise.

I just nod. Still trying to regain my composure.

"I'm Devon Johnson." He continues holding out his hand for a handshake. "We hung out a lot before you know." He tries to demonstrate possible what he thought was how the accident happened but just ended up looking like a monkey hitting a vending machine.

"Hey, I'm sorry I don't recognize you. We seem to really know each other." I reply with a grimace.

"It's okay. Not your fault. Here," He grabs my back pack out of my locker and swings it on his back. "I'll carry your back pack for you."

I laugh as Tristan takes it from him shaking his head.

"It's okay, I'll take her, since she is my best friend and you guys are weirdos who are not to be trusted." He says dramatically. " Now if you'd excuse us." He takes my hand in his in a surprisingly gentle manner considering how extra he was being and guides me out of their midst as I shoot them apologetic looks.

I was secretly a bit relieved to have left, it was all getting a bit overwhelming and sending my brain into overdrive.

I allowed for a comfortable silence for a few seconds after we left them. Then I turned to him with a mischievous look in my eyes. "Possessive much."

"Don't even try to tease. I have to protect what's mine, you know not everyone knows about us. Practically no one else but us. And I you know... Everyone just want to touch you and lift you, and I just kind of want to punch them in the face, you know."

It's A Clicheحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن