In a swift, she hugged me tightly. I look behind her, Mr. Wills is clutching his groin and his nose is bleeding.

There are fingerprints on his neck and light red patch just below his left eye, as if someone has punched him.

I move Aliana behind and launch myself on him punching him continuously, choking his throat ready to kill him on the spot but Aliana hold my arm stopping me.

"Xavier!" she shouted on top of her lungs.

I turn towards her and raise my hand to check her injuries but she flinched.

I retrieve my hand in anger and hurt.

"What are you up to Xavier? You are the boss but it doesn't mean you can barge in anybody's office uninvited. We were into middle of something" she is trying to look calm and compose but I can see, she is shivering from inside.

"Yup. This bastard was in middle of raping you. You could have asked me to tag along" she raise her hand to stop me.

"Stop. I was the one to force myself on him. Didn't you find it fishy? Why I was so Persistent meeting him and that also alone. I knew him from earlier. We had something and I intended to continue our thing. So you have no right interrupting us" she is pleading with her eyes for me to understand but I can't calm my anger.

"Shut the fuck up. I know you are angry on me but that doesn't mean, you'll speak bullshit. I know you would never do something like this" I shake her shoulders but she jerked my hands off .

"Have you forgotten the night I kissed you like sex craved girl? I am also like other girls who go for all the moving thing. If I am telling you, I was the one, then I was the one" she is talking rubbish now.

"Enough. If you were any near to those girls then by now you would have screaming my name underneath me, spreading your legs on satin sheet. But no, here you are standing and covering this douchebag. Whatever you say I am not gonna believe in your nuisance. He is gonna pay" I take out my phone to call my security but she snatch it from my hand and push me on chair.

I am shocked of her actions. She straddle me and slammed her lips to mine fisting my hairs, to block any movement.

This time I take out all my anger, frustration and emotions in kiss. Sucking her tongue, I took her bottom lip between my teeth and squeezed her ass and with other hand I twitch her nipple from above her dress. My cock is touching her womanhood though my trouser. I wanna fuck her right now and here. I took fistful of her ash blond hairs, which is silky and smooth, arousing me more if it is even possible. I leave her lips and sunk my teeth in her throat giving open mouth-wet kisses all over her jaw and throat. She ripped my button off and started rubbing my chest, digging her nails. Marking me. Her lips are working on my neck and chest. Our groaning and moaning filled the room.

Banging of door bring me out of my haze. We are catching our breathe. I look in her eyes which is now of light bright green color. I smiled cheekily. She is looking breathe-teakingly sexy with dilated pupil, light green color shinning with desire and happiness, messed up hair and swollen blood red lips. She is having shy smile on her face. Slowly she stands on her feet and now I get it why she kissed me.

That bastard is missing. I glare towards her but she shrugged nonchantly. I dragged her out of the office to my office , turning all heads towards us but I don't give a damn about their thoughts.

I shut the door close and made her sit on the couch. Then I rummaged through my drawer for first aid kit. I sat beside her, then clean her wounds and bruises. And several thanks to Jesus that she is keeping her mouth shut. Because first, I am still aroused and secondly that bastard is missing. After cleaning her wounds I handle her a glass of water.

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