🏜️EZ Like A Sunday Morning 🌅

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Muerte and Vida stay in the room and help EZ clean up that is until they hear Emily ask as she walks back towards the room "could you check the lounge please?"  EZ nods to the two women as he watches them walk away with a wave they completely ignore the blonde as they walk around her as they walk out of the room and they hear EZ ask as they walk down the hall towards the bar where they knew their fathers might be "need some more paper shredded? getting good at it"  and they chuckle softly.... after seeing how dark it got once they walked out of the casino Muerte says to Vida "why don't you ride Mar's bike!? I'll see if EZ would actually be willing to let me ride with him if not O, Taz or Hank will"  Vida nods Marcus looks over at his daughter and his cousin and nods Muerte walks over to her father and gives him a hug then over to Miguel and gives him one "you sure you're going to be alright!? you could always ride with one of us"  Miguel says "I'll be fine the boys will take care of me! I know you'll be talking business anyway and I've stuck my nose in enough of that today I gotta get home to my girls! besides.... your wife doesn't seem to like me and to be stuck in the same vehicle with me for however long your business takes might not be the best of plans!"  she replies he smiles and nods then he climbs into the backseat of the car where Devante waits and one of his men close the door once he is safely inside Muerte ends up riding with Bishop since EZ had other things to take care of Bishop took her straight home so that she could spend sometime with her daughters and he stayed for a little bit so that he could do the same with his own daughter, his granddaughter and his little cousins before heading home himself.... the next day the Vida, Muerte, Diana and the girls ride/drive to the Santo Padre clubhouse with Marcus and the pups the girls spent most of their time there playing with Chucky who really seemed to miss having them around Chucky was extra careful with Nico making sure she didn't spend too much time in too much sun and was properly lathered in sunscreen when necessary but he knew not to make a huge fuss out of it so that she didn't feel to different from everyone else or weak which we all know she will never be with a family like hers....

 the next day the Vida, Muerte, Diana and the girls ride/drive to the Santo Padre clubhouse with Marcus and the pups the girls spent most of their time there playing with Chucky who really seemed to miss having them around Chucky was extra careful...

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A few hours later the three women and four girls along with the two pups ride/drive up to Miguel's house for a visit and meet Christobal Miguel looks over in surprise when he hears a stampede of little feet rush over to him and Nestor "I hope you ...

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A few hours later the three women and four girls along with the two pups ride/drive up to Miguel's house for a visit and meet Christobal Miguel looks over in surprise when he hears a stampede of little feet rush over to him and Nestor "I hope you don't mind we figured we'd come for a visit while things were a little bit calmer than usual and so that you can no longer say that we never come and visit!.... if you're not too busy now anyway besides you have a better pool than we do!"  Miguel hears Muerte tease he looks over at the three women and the pups and he chuckles with a smile then he replies "no!.... just looking through some memories"  she teases "good ones I hope!"  he chuckles softly and replies "some"  she smiles at him then gives him a hug after getting a hug from each woman and the girls as well as a few kisses from the pups then introducing them to his son Miguel watches as Muerte, Diana and Vida teach his son how to swim in his pool "we taught our girls how to swim when they were his age or at least get used to being in the water so they didn't fear it when they were ready to learn and with you having an uncovered pool that isn't even gated it's best to take precautions especially with the women in this house!"  Muerte had told him when she got his permission to do so he chuckled letting a small corner smirk grace his face.... "this is for you Christobal to protect you and keep you company when you feel alone"  Muerte says before she and the girls leave to get ready for the party as she hands Miguel a sugar skull pup and cat statue "and if mommy wants to check them for cameras she's welcome too!"  she adds with a sarcastically teasing tone Miguel laughs "I know their not stuffed but....!"  she says Miguel smiles and replies "that's alright it's a good way for him to remember you!"  she smiles then gives him a hug then she and her crew leave after each young lady/woman give Miguel and Christobal a hug and the pups give them a kiss and Miguel places the pup and cat on a shelf in Christobal's bedroom he knew that Muerte and Vida would never have placed a camera in them though he started to believe that it wouldn't be such a bad idea that way he could monitor his son and everyone who enters his sons room at all times he looked at them thoroughly and found that there was a hidden area that he could place one in if he so desired which made him smile....

!"  she says Miguel smiles and replies "that's alright it's a good way for him to remember you!"  she smiles then gives him a hug then she and her crew leave after each young lady/woman give Miguel and Christobal a hug and the pups give them a kis...

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That night Muerte chatted with Felipe as she helped him with the meat that he brought for the Mayans party when she saw Angel walk over she pats the elder man on the shoulder with a small smile then walked away knowing full well that they had private "family" stuff to handle.... a few minutes after Felipe left Muerte heard Xio call out excitedly "papa!"  when the SoA charter rode in Xio stopped playing with her sister, cousin and the pups and ran over to one of the Harley riders and jumps into his arms as he climbs off wrapping hers around his neck Nico ran over a few seconds after her sister hugging the very same man and Via ran over to the other biker and copied her cousins motions "my Reaper brothers"  Muerte and Vida hear Taza say to the men "Running Deer"  they hear Happy reply with a low growl and the two men laugh as they give one another a hug well Taza hugs Happy since Happy's arms are now full since he is now holding both his daughters in them "how was the ride?"  Hank asks as he gives Quinn a hug "too long and too hot"  Quinn replies holding his daughter in his arm "you guys aware you live in a fuckin desert?"  Happy asks "yeah"  Taza replies patting Happy on the arm the men laugh then Hank hugs Happy and Taza hugs Quinn "great to see you"  Happy says to Hank "let's go have a drink"  Hank replies "let's go Prospect"  Happy hollers to the SoA Prospect named Hallorann that came with him and Quinn.... "what brings you to these parts handsome!?!"  Happy hears a familiar soft sexy voice coo as he leans up against the back of the SoA van a few minutes later after he let his daughters go back to playing and hung with his Mexican brothers he turns to see Muerte standing behind him his eyes wander up and down his wife's body as he looks at her then he say in a low soft growl "oh my god!"  he grips the back of her neck, pulls her towards him and kisses her lips Muerte gives Happy the full low down of what was going on where her and her family were at this very moment and he could see the sadness in her eyes when she was finished and he wraps her in a hug "I can't leave him Cobra!.... not yet!"  she whispers sadly into his chest "I know! it's going to be alright Viper!"  he whispers then he kisses the top of her head.... Vida sat next to her father and placed a comforting hand on his thigh when Marcus walked out of the Clubhouse and towards the waiting car.... Diana had drove to the Clubhouse to pick up the kids a few minutes before so that they could go to sleep in their own beds.... Bishop wraps his arm around his daughters shoulders and pulls her to him "why don't I go find you something stronger!? you look like you're going to need it!"  she says he chuckles then hands her his beer bottle she takes it, kisses his cheek then stands up and walks away coming back a few seconds later with a small bottle of Jack which he takes with a smile Quinn had also gotten the 411 of the going's on in the Alvarez/Losa world so he knew that Vida would want to stay by her fathers side Bishop pats his daughters thigh as he stands up a few minutes later and walks over to where Angel was sitting seeing that her father went back to business Vida stands up and heads over to where her husband is and spends some more time with him "hey EZ don't forget you promised me a dance!"  Vida hollers over to her new friend when she sees him walk out of the Clubhouse carrying two boxes of beer EZ chuckles as he continues on his way shaking his head at her with a smile on his face "I think he forgot!"  she whispers to Quinn who's lap she was sitting on Quinn chuckles and she kisses his smiling lips after his conversation with his brother that was interrupted by Hallorann EZ looks over at the SoA van and sees Muerte standing next to a familiar yet unknown face and he stares at the two of them in shock how in the HELL does Muerte know the man who killed his mother!?!

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