Chapter Two: "Did you kiss him?" "There's nothing between us-"

Start from the beginning

Deva found herself drifting slowly through the crowd in her black cocktail dress, a strange key in her hand. It looked like an old fashioned skeleton key, a fancy cat's eye staring up at her from the key. As she drifted, she found that she was in the Grand Foyer and nearing the hallway. In there, it was less crowded. Couples were up against walls, kissing, slow dancing or plain whispering; gossiping.

Her leg's lead her towards the staircase that lead to the third floor. It looked newer, and the stair case hadn't been painted black yet, so she could see what type of wood it was. It also felt sturdier, stronger, as it held up her weight.

Strange, she thought, still climbing up higher and higher. It's like they're brand new...

Reaching the top, Deva was a bit breathless. That was another weird thing, since she'd become quite accustomed to stairs ever since joining Michael's dojo. Footsteps sounded from below, and Deva rushed, going to the room Julian hadn't let her see the day they'd been surveying the house. She remembered him giving her the all clear on it, but at that moment she was having second thoughts. Deva tried at the handle - which was locked - before she tried using the skeleton key. It fit in perfectly and unlocked the door.

Her hand turned the knob gently and slowly, fear spiking in her for some reason at what she'd see. The door opened all the way and-

"Deva, we're here." Michael's voice brought her back to reality. Groggy from her dream - or was it a nightmare?- Deva sat up. Her eyes met with two grey orbs that yelled out help even with the coldness surrounding them. She turned away from Julian, to the warmer grey eyes that held actual appeal towards her.

"How long was I asleep?" She yawned long and loud stretching out. It felt as if she'd been in there for more than two or three hours already. That wasn't a good thing, especially when it came to keeping the virus tamed.

Michael took out his phone and checked the time, brows skyrocketing when he looked back at Deva. She raised an eyebrow, and in a soft, high pitched voice, Michael whispered, "Five hours." Deva's own eyes widened, and when she turned back to Julian, who was nervously twitching all over, she saw in his eyes that he knew something was wrong. Her anger spiked again, and the virus took advantage, pushing her off the seat. She chose then to punch him, throwing her fist so hard that Julian's face was bruising already by the time she pulled away.


She almost threw another punch, but suddenly Michael was pulling her back and Julian's concubine was acting like a dragon protecting it's jewels, her eyes glittering with fire. "Where are we going!" Deva hissed, fighting hard against Michael. Surprisingly enough, the virus had left her, leaving her to rely on her own strength to fight Michael. And he just happened to bench press 200 lbs. "Where are we going?!"

"I don't know," Julian replied softly, his cheek already swelling up. He looked sincere but Deva refused to believe in him. After his little disappearing act at the hospital and reappearance in the limo, Deva found it hard to believe she'd ever trusted him in the first place, much less let him "protect" her.

"Bullshit," she growled, still struggling against Michael. Her cocktail dress was hitching up her legs but she didn't care at that point. Let Julian see was he lost. "You're the host of this party, so you must know what's going on!"

Julian's brows knitted together in confusion. "Host? Don't you think that if I were the host, I'd be in my own private limo?"

"How should I know?" Deva growled, pulling back her leg at the same time and hitting Michael in a certain... vital area. The hit was enough for Deva to push free and for the virus to resurface and she knew Julian could see it. They way his eyes locked onto hers... He was seeing colors in them. She didn't care; let him see the monster she'd become over the years and let him fear her.

Deva didn't get too far. Something hit her in the head, hard and while it didn't knock her out, it sure as hell angered the virus. Deva pivoted around just in time to see another heel coming her way. She slapped this one to the side and stalked forward, going for the offender, when the limo lurched. Deva was sent flying. That knocked her out.

Waking up, Deva discovered that she'd been tied up. So Michael had come prepared after all. Her eyes scanned the limo, noticing that her location had been moved. Now she was at the farthest seat from the driver, all the way at the back of the limo. A few chairs around her were empty, and only Michael dared sitting near her. Well, Michael and Julian. The two were speaking to one another in hushed tones too soft for Deva to make out any of what they were saying.

Julian glanced up, and when his eyes met with hers once more, there was regret in the look he gave her. What are you planning? She wanted to ask but was too tired to talk. Each time she opened her mouth, only a yawn would escape her lips.

After about an hour spent in silence, Michael returned to her side, not untying her but not being hostile either. He brought both arms around her in a protective and restrictive way, sitting her onto his lap. "Why didn't you tell me he had the virus?" Deva continued with her silence, refusing to answer anything about Julian; refusing to even speak of him. "Deva, if you'd told me this sooner, I wouldn't have made you come."

"It doesn't matter," she managed to choke out, eyes shut.

"Yes, it does. Deva, you told me there were only two survivors of the virus. You and some mystery man, and that guy right there sounds like our little mystery man." Deva wanted to struggle. "You have to have some sort of history with him. You do, don't you?"

"Mike, stop. This has nothing to do with you-"

"Did you kiss him?"

"There's nothing between us-"

"Did he hold you?"



"Devana?" Julian spoke her name slowly, as if testing out the sound of it on his tongue. Deva and Michael both snapped to attention, but only one of them was truly angry, and he looked about ready to kill someone. "I'm sorry Michael," Julian said in a polite yet bored monotone. "But could I please speak with Devana?" His eyes had become marble, cold, beautiful and... too hard to break through for Deva to see what he was thinking. The limo lurched again, and Deva was thrown out of Michael's arms. Julian reached out, catching onto her as Michael leapt out of his seat.

Julian felt strange. It was the first time in two years that he'd held Deva, and now he didn't want to let go. That didn't change the fact that she wanted to kill him, and vice versa, though he had his own different reasons. This virus has to end.

Michael, Deva's "partner" for the party, growled, standing up when the limo finally closed. His own eyes flashed, but not with the colors that Deva's eyes had shown earlier. His eyes were just plane insane. Great, another Orazio. Michael, muscles tensed up, reached out for Deva's still-struggling form but Julian sidestepped him, not at all caring of the audience they had. It was obvious the man he'd been conversing with a just a few minutes ago was swallowed in by his anger and possessiveness. "You just have the greatest taste in men," Julian mumbled, looking down at a infuriated Deva who was nearing the skin on his arm and prepared to bite him to let go of her. That wasn't happening.

People started stepping out of the limo, and Julian followed suit, keeping his eyes on Michael. The large man said something under his breath before speaking in a low, mesmerizing - to Deva - voice. "Despiertate-" Julian turned away immediately, the slowly awakening monster within him suddenly growling at the Spanish word. Awaken, he'd said. And strangely enough, the word had silenced Deva, Julian noticed. He looked down at her, wondering what was wrong and nearly dropped her when he saw the faintest afterimage of long, white hair.

That girl again


The same one he'd been seeing at the mansion when he'd lived there. The same one whose body he'd left to continue rotting in that small room on the third floor. Julian gritted his teeth, stepping out of the limo - and avoiding Adrianna's search eyes. What he saw was one of his greatest nightmares come true.

The forest cemetery...

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