Protector Of The Weak

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Chapter Three.

I took in jagged breaths and studied the wall in front of me with frantic eyes. "Would you like to know why I am sparing you your life Ms. Todd?" the voice hissed in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Well, that would be great to know, honestly." I tried to sound stronger than I felt which was a harder task than I had originally thought. I made sure to purse my lips after speaking.

"Well you see, Meadow. You dear could supply me with a lot of information gathered at the center of Investigation seeing as you are the lead investigator. If you do me this simple kindness you will live as long as nature intended."

I gulped and closed my eyes taking in one breath. "No, never." I whispered preparing for my final taste of this world. The blade pressed to my neck firmly. I closed my eyes when suddenly the knife was gone, the breathing was gone, and everything had disappeared but me, my room, and my mother standing in the doorway.

She looked me over with groggy eyes and spoke in a tired voice. "I'm going to rest, Meadow. Don't stay up too late."

I nodded trying to hide my shock. Even when she felt like crap my mother had the power to save my life, un-freaking-believable.  As soon as she reclosed my door I opened every closet, drawer, and compartment in my room. I checked under my bed and saw nothing then I noticed that the window was opened. My curtains blew inward at the slight breeze as I peered out there was nothing to be seen but the glint of a knife under a bright street light not too far away.

I couldn't believe how close to death I had come to be honest it scared me to bits. Before going anywhere I closed my window and locked it, then checked to make sure I had locked it. In one brisk step I reached for my cell phone and dialed Raiden's cell number hoping with all of my might that he had listened to me and left the Bureau. After letting the dial tone ring a few times he finally answered in almost a sigh. "Yes?"

"Change of plans. I was just nearly killed in my own home, if it weren't for mom it's likely that I would need be put six feet under. So all things considered, we have to leave sooner I'm now fearing for my life. I--" I was cut off by a loud bang coming from the far end of the hallway. It was so loud that even Akio heard it on the other end of the line.

"What was that?!" He demanded with a harsh sounding voice.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed being completely honest. "Come to my house, quick." The line went dead right after I had spoken that final sentence. Reaching under my bed I grabbed the gun I had always hidden and snuck out of my room. I went slowly down the hall avoiding all creaky places in our hardwood flooring. I had learned where all of these places were back when I was thirteen and found it fun to sneak out of the house to meet up with Airies for a night at the park.

A scream burst through my reverie, shaking me back to life. I had to focus, this was my own mother at stake and she would not end up like the woman on the street, she had done nothing. Forgetting my avoiding creaky places plan, I ran full force to where her room was. Of course her door was locked so I kicked it a few times but nothing happened. Choosing to do the second best thing I raised my gun and shot it. Wooden splinters and shattered metal flew in every direction. A few stray pieces had scratched my face and arms but other than that the only real damage done was to the door and knob.

I kicked the door again and was satisfied to watch remaining frame fall to the floor with a thud. I looked around the dark room; all that was visible was expansive darkness and pale moonlight shining through an open window.  Gentles breezes flowed through the window making my mother's yellowed lace curtains flutter slightly.

With pursed lips I stepped into the room. Each footfall sounded like a bomb exploding in my ears. The anxiety was high in the room, I knew what to expect but when I saw it...when I saw it I realized I had had no idea. The gun shook uncontrollably in my hand; I tightened my fingers in a feeble attempt to find my voice.  "M-Mom." A crack lashed its way through my vocal cords breaking my one syllable word into two.

Sunken jade eyes peered up at me and though they were having the life sucked out of them they were still just as piercing. Gashes coated all of her visible skin; blood coated her entire silk night gown. An "M" was slashed into her stomach and the knife was left in her chest letting a pool of blood well around the hilt. Black fluid surrounded her entirely, blazing red hair, which contrasted mine incredibly, flowed around her still beautiful face. She was the sheer image of vengeance.

With all that had happened to her, her jaw was still set in a firm line. With cheeks and eyes drained of most color I could tell not one tear had slid down that face. She was hard as stone; she was what I wanted to be someday. People had always said we acted the same...I never saw it. "Meadow..." her voice trembled, "Marú..." Her eyes darted wildly around the scene taking in her last glimpses of life. Her voice slowly faded to an inaudible whisper; a string of words broken by the wind that rushed through her window.

In a sudden backwards gush, the wind whipped back through the window in which it entered carrying my mother's soul with it. She silenced as her body eased and as the last bit of wind made its way through the window I heard a hushed "I love you." Then the window slammed shut, the drapes ceased to move; the room was dead.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 03, 2010 ⏰

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