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You kissed him back, until Hoseok walked back in the room, then you both quickly stopped and blushed from him standing there without words. 

"So, what's up Namjoon? How's it going, any nephews and nieces for me?" He asked with a playful tone in his voice. 

"No, not yet~" 

"We joke about this, but what if something actually happens?" You look at him somewhat seriously.

"Then I'll be ready, I'll love our child and be the happiest man on earth." 

"And I'll be the best uncle on earth!" Hobi said with excitement.

In return you all laughed a bit. But you still wondered what your life would be like with a mini Namjoon in the house. It sounds nice. 

It became late and Hobi headed in for the night. You and Namjoon layed in bed talking.



"How serious were you when you asked about a child?"

"I don't know.." You lied. 

"Well, I just want you to know that I'm up for having a baby, I just want you to be ready." He kisses your cheek. And smiled with his dimples.

You nodded and smiled back. You wanted a baby, just not sure of how you wanted to tell Namjoon. He even reassured you that he's ready as well, but you just wanted time to think about it. You both have only been together for 4 years, so maybe it was time?...

Sorry for the short chapter 


My Galaxy (Namjoon x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang