05 | chapter five

Start from the beginning

"That was hot." the whisper came out from Meera and I nodded. Before I could even-we all looked at each other. Like widening our eyes and staring at each other. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-he was eavesdropping. Shit.

"Shit, I won't have sex if my back ends up like that." Derek says and we all take a sharp intake.

"You were eavesdropping? How dare you, Chauhan?" I stepped forward and folded my arms around my chest.

"I didn't mean to, okay?" He stepped forward too, mimicking my actions, "you guys were pretty loud. Louder than those couple who stayed beneath our room in the hotel, in our eleventh grade."

I turned my head back at my friends and they pretty much had same expression as I had: pissed.

"It still doesn't justify it, okay? God, why do you have to be so-?"

"Do you want water, Azra?"

I gasped. "W-what are you implying?"

He smirked slightly and moved two steps forward just an inch away from my face-we were pretty much same height.

"Do you want to repeat the history, Azra? Except this time, there's no girlfriend and there's a collar on my shirt to grip and mould our mouths together. Do you want to Azra?"

My mouth went dry. Excuse me, but how do humans breathe again?

"Whoa! Uh, Azy we'll leave-see you later or morning?" Zeena taunted and both Meera, Aksa laughed as they slowly started moving.

"Shut your mouth, guys." I shrugged them off and focused on the beautiful human in front of me. Derek, what ya doing to me?

Derek moved forward and took my hands in his and kissed my palm. "I really like you, you know? From eleventh when we both were appointed as head prefects," he kissed on back of my palm and I gulped down hard.

"And you remember when you accidently spilled the bucket of colored water on me on the day of holi," he lips found the way to my collarbone and planted a feather like kiss in there. Ah, there go the butterflies. "And when you applied color on my cheek on the holy-mysteriously."

I gasped. He wasn't supposed to know that it was me. "I know what your brain is thinking now," he let his lips wander to my cheeks. "I knew all the way that it was you who kept the kit-Kat chocolate on my desk on your birthday," he slowly, tenderly kissed my cheek.

"Derek," I moaned as he bit down my earlobe lightly and I gripped his shoulders for grip.

"I really like you, Azra Malik," he kissed my forehead. A firm and tender kiss on my forehead and I smiled. He's driving me crazy.

"I like you too, Derek Chauhan." I replied as my eyes flutter open and his eyes stared at mine, I linked our fingers together and kissed them. "I really like you."

"And coming to this," he brushed his thumb pad on my lips and I cooed. "We'll have this later. I don't want to kiss you in the hallway of Zeena's house. I want it to be special."

Disappointed, yet feeling giddy and special-I nodded. This guy will be death of me one day.

"Good night, Malik." He whispered as he kissed my cheek again and I smiled.

"It's morning, Chauhan," I whispered back and he pouted for which I laughed.

"Yeah, I know, but still. Get some sleep and I'll meet you afterwards, okay?" he told as he kissed my forehead once again and paced forward to his room and before he could march off to his room he turned back and smiled at me.

Ah-I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with those three crazy hormonal chimpanzees in my room. Fuck my life.


"TELL ME-what happened, you fucking donkey." Meera was practically clawing at me with her perfectly manicured nails. Aksa and Zeena were also curious assholes. I sighed as I sat down on the bed.

"Well, he kissed me-"


I slapped my forehead as I slapped Meera's back and she settled down on the bead beside me. "He kissed me on my forehead and cheek. That's it you high monkey."

Disappointment filled her eyes. "What the fuck dude? I thought you were eating each other's faces off. I'm so pissed at that coward."

"Shut your mouth, Mirs. He is not coward-he wanted it to be special, okay?" I replied as turned off the light and we all settled down on the queen size cot.

"He's a good catch, then. I'm really happy for you, Azy. That guy's gold." Aksa replied as she kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around me and threw her legs around me.



author's note:

hey, yevrybaadyyy! i love you all so much. thank you for reading this chapter--it means a TON. okay, so, how's the chapter? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote. thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. xx

- kalachasmas.

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