Chapter 15

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I woke to the sounds of Elizabeth talking to someone. The muffled words could not be heard clearly but it was definitely a man. I think it might be Silas.

Fear gripped me, I sat up in the bed and realized that I was naked and in his sister's bed. I'd spent all morning doing scandalous things with her. Things that were very nice but definitely not what her big brother wanted for his sweet and innocent sibling.

Scrabbling out of bed, I pulled my clothes on and tiptoed to the door, hoping that Elizabeth would send Silas on his way. Hearing footsteps, my eyes widened and I moved behind the door. It opened, Elizabeth stopped and then turned to me.

"What are you doing behind the door?" She said with a wide smile.

"I am hiding."

"Well, no more. The day is starting and you need to be a part of the meetings that are happening after breakfast."

"I cannot go out there."

"Why not?"

I didn't want to say his name. I'd promised to stop talking about her brother and how much he wanted to kill me for looking at his sister. Shaking my head, Elizabeth frowned with confusion.

"It's only Asa out here, Len. You don't need to worry about anything."

Elizabeth smiled when I visibly relaxed. Holding out her hand, she waited until I took it.

"You don't need to fear what Silas says. It's not you that he's worried about, it's me. I've always been the unruly one in our family. The baby that our parents weren't expecting, spoiled and allowed to get away with a lot. He's always been protective of me but since Thea's death, it's been odd. I didn't see him for nearly fifty years and I guess he's trying to make up for all that lost time while apologizing for not telling me about Alaric and Nisha."

Gently she pulled on my hand, urging me to follow. I did so, warily of course. Asa smiled as I approached.

"Good afternoon, your highness."

I looked at Elizabeth, waiting for her to say something. Weren't they already talking?

"He means you, Len."

My mouth opened to respond that I was not but then I remembered that I was.

"Good afternoon, Asa. It would be alright to call me by my name."

"That is generous of you but I follow rules and as much as you might find it displeasing for such a title or to hear it, I'd rather not be in trouble."

"As if Dahlia's going to say anything." Elizabeth chided.

"I'd rather not risk my job to test it out."

Asa gestured to the table and chairs; documents were already waiting for us.

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