[Greyson walks down a row of tombstones, then after awhile, he stops in front of one]
GREYSON: Hey...been awhile huh.
GREYSON: This is Ellie by the way... I know I look a little different than the last time I came here.
GREYSON: This feels... weird. I mean- it is weird. Look at me, I'm talking to a fuckin gravestone.
GREYSON: I don't even know why I'm doing this- I guess a part of me feels bad that I just left without saying anything.
GREYSON: I remember the last thing you said to me and Lily was... take care of each other.
[Greyson looks down at his feet and chuckles to himself]
GREYSON: Guess my dumbass couldn't even do that right
GREYSON: You always believed that I would grow up be some amazing hero. And for the longest time, I believed you. I thought I could do it, I tried to be just like you
GREYSON: But you were always so much... more.
(Greyson sits down on the ground)
GREYSON: I like to think that wherever you are right now... you can see me and know that I'm doin okay.
GREYSON: But I don't even really know if I believe in all that afterlife junk.
GREYSON: I mean- if anyone were to believe in that kinda stuff it should be me right? I'm the dumbass that almost died five fuckin times.
GREYSON: Has it been five? God- I'm starting to lose count now.
(He chuckles)
GREYSON: The first time it happened... y'know when I got fuckin shish kabobed during that stupid mission... I thought I saw you.
GREYSON: I mean.. I can't really say for sure cause I was kinda drifting in and out of consciousness so like.. my 'ghost reception' was all fucked up, but I could've sworn it was you.
GREYSON: Then again, I could just be in denial. Maybe what I saw was just somethin my brain made up to help me cope. I mean, that makes a lot more sense than "I saw my fuckin ghost dad before I almost bled to death"
GREYSON: but maybe it wasn't... maybe I actually did see you. Maybe you wanted to say somethin to me.
GREYSON: What did you wanna say Morgan
GREYSON: Honestly I don't know what I expected. Usually in movies this is when some supernatural shit happens and you let me know that you're still here or whatever.
(Greyson weakly smiles)
(Greyson gets up to leave)
GREYSON: If you are there, and you can hear me somehow, I just wanted to let you know... that I'm doin okay.
GREYSON: I'll try and be better... Promise.

Ah ha ha Yuh Yeet ig
General FictionFrom the ashes I r i se. I honestly had 0 intentions of ever posting on this garbo site again but here we are. The app I used to write all my stuff on stared to get rly fucky so guess I'm goin back to my roots. everything I write is probably...