Have some crack probably

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{the cover is some art shit I made}

Izuku bubbled around as they left school, his and Todoroki heading to the dorms. Oddly, they felt like they were being watched.

Oh well.

"Hey, Deku, y-you wanna.. um... g-go g-get something t-to eat..? O-or something..." Todoroki fumbled out, looking off to the side with a nervous hand scratching at the back of his neck.

Izuku looked at him wide eyed before his cheeks veil over pink. He bounced on his heel and nodded.

Todoroki breathed out a small exhale of relief and let a small smile slip across his face. Izuku bounced on his heel as they changed there course for UA gates.

"So.. um.. w-where do you wanna go?" Todoroki asked, eyeing Izuku's small little hand in a small decision in trying to hold it. The bean thought for a moment before brightening, hooking their arms together and pulling Todoroki across the clear street.

He pulled them into an All Might American restaurant. They had burgers, fries, and really any fast foods.

Of course with any meal came an All Might figurine.

Izuku would have preferred if it was Aizawa but he would take what he could get.

Todoroki ended up having to help Izuku eat everything as he didn't like using his hands, hand feeding him fries and even holding his burger for him.

Much to Todoroki's embarrassment, an old couple pounded at them with smiles, "Oh young love!"

Soon they moved on, walking along a mall place thing.

Izuku dragged them everywhere, pointing in windows and different places. Soon, though, a little girl ran into them.

Well, she ran into Izuku.

He gasped softly, rocking a bit before quickly turning and helping the little girl up. She had longish white hair and big red eyes, a horn on her forehead and...
She was covered in bandages..?
All over..?

A hero walked up behind them at this point, the two heroes in training quickly recognized him as Togata. Izuku glanced over, "O-oh hai Senpai..." he turned back to the little girl. "You okay..? S-sorry I knocked you down..."

She looked up at him, terrified. Suddenly a man in a mask came out, glaring slightly at her. "Haha.. sorry for my daughter, she likes to run off. Come on Eri.." it sounded forced.

Togata stepped up quickly, "Oh! It's no problem. Not at all, we were just making sure she was okay.."

But the little girl- Eri- started clinging to Izuku. "No.. no I don't wanna go back.." She shakily whispered to him. Izuku's eyes widened, he held her protectively out of instinct, she sounded just like him.

"Eri. Come on." This time it was even less friendly. Izuku realized he was glaring daggers at him- his lips moved on there own.

"Howbba- dauaba-" everyone looked at Izuku like he grew a second head.

"What?" The man hissed our lightly.

"oH um— n-nice..
Mask." Izuku has no idea what he was doing.

"...thank you? Now can I have my daughter back." It wasn't a question.

"Can I have my—
Drugs back..?"



"Wh- you know what never mind- Eri come here...
Or do you want these people to..." he trailed off, Izuku felt the girl tense in his grip.

"HUBBAHLUBBA DUBAH." Izuku blubbered out in offense. Todoroki at this point was catching on to Izuku's concern.

"May I ask why.. Eri.. has so many bandages?" The halfie asked after a moment. The man in the mask growled ever so slightly, barely audible.

"She's just.. clumsy."

Todoroki gave him a nod, totally unconvinced. The two glanced at Togata. "Senpai?" The question was unknown.

He have them a gentle glare, "Let's get going.. let the girl go."

Izuku hissed, knowing what being so close to freedom felt like only to be brought back into it. "Buhabhaba."

"Deku no one can understand you." Todoroki stated flatly. The man- Eri's father apparently, seemed to be growing more and more irritated.

Eri seemed to be tensing more and more too. "Uh-" he moved to Eri's ear, "Squeeze my shoulders tight if you don't wanna go with the dude.."

She did.

In an instant Izuku was bolting into the crowd, girl in arms. Everyone was shouting at him from behind, Todoroki promptly setting off after him. "Izuku what are you doing?!"

"Bad man!" He called back, bobbing low in the crowd. Luckily he was short enough to be lost.

Eri was trembling in his hold, he hooted slightly, bouncing as he ran like a bunny. This made her look around a little, no smile was present on her face but by her eyes she looked more than happy.

Izuku fucking ran till his legs fell off- aka he reached the dorms.

He held Eri close and sprinted through the gates, the alarms rang as she didn't have an id but they made it in anyway. Aizawa was one of the first people out to check why the alarms went off but was only met with his son wheezing with a little girl in his arms.

"Izuku dont tell me you stole a child—"

He nodded in reply.

"Oh my god you stole a child."

Eri made a small airy sound, almost like she was giggling. Izuku held her a little closer, regaining his breath. "I has small child. Mine."

"I'm not adopting another kid."


"So Aizawa you'll be taking care of Eri for now." Nezu said once Izuku explained everything with Togata and Todoroki.

"God fucking damn it."

Izuku made a gasp of offense at his language.

Aizawa sighed, "What were you guys doing out anyway?"

Togata smiled, "I was patrolling."

Todoroki and Izuku looked at each other with nervous looks. "We- uh- were.. hanging out?"

"Don't you dare tell me you two were on a date."

They looked at each other again, blushing. "Not officially..?" Izuku offered.

"Todoroki Shoto I don't care if you're my student I'll have your head on a platter."

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