You Keep Running

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[The scene starts with Greyson at Morgan's grave, all is quiet except for the cool autumn breeze and the crinkling leaves softly growing louder as Lily approaches behind him.]

GREYSON: Oh. It's you

LILY: Yea, I was wondering where you went off to. You left without saying anything

GREYSON: Sorry... I guess I just needed some time to myself is all.

GREYSON: This past two weeks have been so crazy… I leave for like— what? 10 years? And now everything— everyone is different. It's all so... overwhelming

LILY: Well what'd you expect? Ten years is a long time. People change, Ellie.

GREYSON: Yeah I guess... it was nice catching up with you again.

[The two smile warmly and share a moment in silence together.]

GREYSON: Yeah... I'm gonna miss this place.

LILY: You're leaving?

GREYSON: Well yeah. I can't stay here

LILY: Why not?

GREYSON: I just— it's just... we don't really have a place to stay is all—and we should really get going—

LILY: Pfft— You guys can stay with us. It's no big deal, really. I'm sure Amelie won't mind.

GREYSON: That's nice and all I don't think that's a good idea.

LILY: Why?

GREYSON: It's just... not. Alright? We're leaving tonight.

LILY: Can you at least give me an explanation!? Before you ditch me again

GREYSON: Lily... I didn't—

LILY: What? You didn't, what? Ditch me? Uh yeah. You did dude. You straight up left, without saying a word.

LILY: What did I do? Why are you always leaving!?

LILY: We used to be so close dude. Now it feels like I don't even know you...

LILY: You can leave again. If that's what you want, go ahead. But can you please at least tell me what I did wrong.

GREYSON: Lily... it's not your fault I left... I'm sorry you felt that way.

LILY: Then what was it!? What made you ditch all your friends? What was so important to you that you had to leave your family behind!?

GREYSON: It's just...

LILY: What?

GREYSON: I couldn't just stay here after what happened to Morgan.

GREYSON: Maybe I blamed myself for what happened? I honestly don't know...

GREYSON:  This place makes me too sad.

LILY: Well it's not any different for me either!

LILY: You left us, and I spent ten long years blaming myself for it! I would've loved to just drop every thing and leave the face of the Earth, but I didn't! I sucked it up and dealt with my problems head on.

LILY: Something you wouldn't have experience with...

GREYSON: Lily, I get that you're upset. I would be too, but—

LILY: Oh I'm not just upset  I'm fucking pissed.

LILY: You left us Ellie. You never visited. You never called. Nothing.

GREYSON: I know, and I'm sorry. But you know I couldn't just stay here after what happened to Mor—

LILY: Why not!? Were you afraid of the same thing happening to you? Are you so much of a coward that you wouldn't be willing to give everything you had to honor what he did for us!? What is it Ellie!? Why did you run away!?

GREYSON: Because he was the only thing that I had...

GREYSON: Lily, you had people to go back to. A family who would be there for you. I had nothing.

LILY: Then what the hell were we? Were we not family?

LILY:  You had people to go back to Ellie. Me, Noah, Mari, Grant, not just Morgan. You had so many people who cared about you, and who were there for you. And you abandoned all of them!

GREYSON:  We weren't family. We never were!?

GREYSON: Why do I suddenly owe you!? Because we knew each other for— what? Two years?

GREYSON:  I don't know you. I don't owe you anything!

LILY: ... Then what the fuck are you doing here then.

LILY: Get back on that ship. And leave. I never want to see or speak with you again.

GREYSON: Lily... I—

LILY: I don't care where you go. But you're not welcome here anymore. Goodbye Ellie.


GREYSON: Alright then.

[Lily storms off. And all is quiet except for the cool autumn breeze and the soft crinkling leaves slowly becoming more and more faint as Greyson is left alone.]

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