"I-I'm sorry!" Keisha gushed, the biggest smile I ever saw on her face. "That was too funny! And cute." She finally overcame her laughter and cleared her throat, glaring back at the still laughing Skylar. "Dude, cut it out." He stapled his hand to his mouth to keep from laughing again and gave me a thumbs up.

"See, this is useless." I plopped down on a Mall bench to squeeze the bridge of my nose.

"No. No it's not. Here, maybe we should give you an example." Keisha said before pulling Skylar up. "Okay. Skylar, you can be the girl and I'm the sexiest dude in here." She deepened her voice a bit and puffed out her chest.

Skylar sucked his teeth but went along with it, turning his back and pretending to flip his long, invisible hair. I watched in amusement as Keisha strutted over to Skylar, her fist clenched and by her side as she walked with a lean. She tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around, a hand on his hips and his lips pursed.

"Aye yo babe, you looking good." Keisha complemented in her deep, oh-so manly voice.

"I could say the same for you tiger." Skylar squeaked, his voice also transformed to play his character. I furrowed my eyebrows as they went on, making shoppers look weirdly at them as they walked by us.

"So ah, where's your boyfriend?" Keisha asked, pretending to look around.

Skylar rolled out his lips, shifting his hips. "Oh. I've been single for offically twenty minutes."

"Dayum! Just my luck, can I get your number?"

Skylar gave an over the top, giggle, fanning the air in front of him. "Oh stop it."

"Guys...enough. This isn't working. I still don't get how to flirt." I interrupted Skylar and Keisha as they exchanged fake numbers.

Keisha sighed and turned to me. She walked over and crossed her arms. "Look at me." She demanded. I looked down at her.

"Pretend I'm Chase. Think of everybody you ever flirt with as being Chase. Now, flirt with me." She said softly.

I sighed but still did what she said. I pretended she was Chase McBransey. I told her everything I'd ever tell Chase.

"I like the way your dimples deepen when you laugh. The way your eyes brighten when you talk about something you love. Sometimes I wish I could take a journey through your mind and install myself there so I can be the reason your eyes brighten and why you smile. I could tell you how much I love you and you could reject me as much as you'd like and I'd still admire you. If it made you uncomfortable, I'd keep it to myself although it may hurt me. Just...just being around you is good enough." I mumbled the last sentence before dropping eye contact with Keisha.

A moment passed and I glanced back up at a smiling Keisha. "What?"

"Congrats, you've just flirted." She grinned.

"What? You mean I just poured every once of my feelings out." I mumbled.

"That's kind of what flirting is silly." She laughed, glancing at Skylar. "He did well didn't he?"

Skylar nodded. "Made me want to cry." He gave a sniffle and I rolled my eyes.

"Now, all you have to do is flirt with someone else but try to communicate with them instead of telling them those things. Let's practice shall we?" She asked before putting a finger to her lip as she gazed around the mall before pulling me closer. "See that girl over there," She pointed to a pretty girl around our age, standing by the vending machine with another girl.

"What about her?" I asked swallowing the rock in my throat.

"Go get her number." Keisha said those dreaded words I didn't want to hear but instead of arguing, I sucked it up and made my way over to the girl.


It wasn't long before I came back to Keisha and Skylar who were sharing a container of fries and slouching, obviously restless and anxious.

"Well, how'd it go!" Keisha jumped up instantly, shoving three fries in her mouth while at it.

"I ended up getting five numbers." I scratched my cheek in confusion. I thought flirting was hard. It wasn't. Not in my case when I imagined myself talking to Chase. Or maybe those girls weren't interested in my flirtation skills but my looks? All I knew was I had five numbers from five pretty girls.

"I think we've turned him into a monster." Skylar rose his eyebrows in surprise as Keisha grinned from ear-to-ear.

"That's exactly what I wanted." She told Skylar before looking towards me.

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