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    6 new messages from Alicia

alicia: hey girl you up ?

alicia: hello?? kristina?

alicia: of course you don't set your alarms on your first day. cliche.

alicia: you've got to be kidding please tell me your awake.

alicia: wake up NOW are you SERIOUS OMGG

alicia: ok im coming over

"Wake up dumbass!" says Alicia, taking my warm blanket away from my body. I shiver and quickly get out of bed. I pick up my phone and see all the missed messages from Alicia. I giggle and look up at her standing in my doorway with my blanket.

"It's not funny Kristina! We're gonna be late. Now chop chop, put on your outfit and do something with your hair. We can eat breakfast at school." she says, sounding way too much like my mom.

"Okay okay, I'll be ready in 15." I say as I look through my closet.

"Make it 10." Alicia replies sassily. I roll my eyes and get dressed into a plain white cropped t-shirt and a sky blue plaid skirt. I put some hoops in and send some morning streaks. I head to the bathroom to deal with my bush of hair. I quickly spray some water into it and do my usual curl routine. I check the time, 6:34. 'We have time to get Starbucks'. I walk into the living room and see Alicia waiting for me impatiently.

"You do know what time it is right? We could go get breakfast at Starbucks, what's the rush?" I say while putting on my slightly yellow white vans.

"Okay I don't know what time you went to school at back in Virginia but here we start at 6:45. Plus, you're new, I was going to show you your classes but since we're late, I guess you'll just have to figure it out." She says grabbing her car keys and school ID.

I just nod knowing Alicia's upset. I'll make it up to her, she can never stay mad at me.

We arrive at school at 6:40. I take out my headphones knowing I'm going to be alone all day. Alicia and I only have Drivers Ed together and that's because she's a teacher aid for that class.

I take a deep breath and approach the school with Alicia by my side. I send her a small, nervous smile and she gives me a tight hug.

"Don't be nervous girl, it's my last year at this school and I can tell you it wasn't as bad as I thought." She says while hugging me close. "The counselor wouldn't let me switch my lunch so you're gonna have to make some new friends whether you like it or not." She breaks the hug and gives me a big smile.

"Good luck, see you third hour!" She waves goodbye and walks over to her friends.

I sigh and put my headphones in and play my daily playlist on Spotify. I wait outside my locker building, which is the math building. Alicia told me they lock the doors in the morning because of past threats. The bell rings and all the other kids pile into the building towards the lockers. I get to my locker, 1934. I struggle getting it open considering in Virginia, I barely used my locker. We were allowed to carry our backpacks back in VA. I eventually get it open. I notice there's two people on both sides of me. A short and skinny girl with brown hair and bangs. The guy next to me is blonde with super bright colored blue eyes. They almost look like contacts. I hang my backpack in my locker and take out a folder for my first class art. I turn up my music and walk to the fine arts building.

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