chapter ! four

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"so, humans, as you said, usually hang out together."
juyeon said, they spent the night looking outside juyeon's famous window. since he started talking to jaehyun he didn't do it much, maybe just to take a look at the weather outside or to check if his parents came back home.

juyeon nodded in response to the hologram, smiling as if he was teaching a kid how to write.

"oh, should we hang out then?" jaehyun asked with his clear eyes, probably for the excitement, but they were the most beautiful thing juyeon had ever seen - after jaehyun in front of him, of course -
"i have to go to school, silly." the younger laughed, packing his thing onto his bag hoping to not forget something
"do you have any test today? i can help you copy." the older said proudly

juyeon started walking to the other followed by jaehyun who was happy as easter
"so? answer my question." he pouted feeling like a dog when their owner doesn't throw at them the ball
"no, i don't." juyeon said in response waiting for the autobus to come "why? are bots set to let their owners copy?" he asked curious. he wanted to know more about those things

"we can do whatever our owner wants to, except for one thing." jaehyun said, leaving some suspense, something the younger hated

"and what? tell me." jaehyun shook his head, following the human until outside, at a bus stop where they waited until the vehicle reached that place, getting on it

jaehyun knew he was breaking the first rule sangyeon taught him, but he couldn't help it.

"so that's how pupils go to school." the hologram said amazed by the amount of people in this metal box

"also, why are you and those students wearing the same clothes?" jaehyun asked, he had seen something like that in kdramas, but never in the real live - he didn't know if his, was life at this point -

however he thought students were in colleges
"these are uniforms, it means that we go at the same school," juyeon pointed at some others students sitting in the first line
"you see them? they go to the sopa, school of performing arts meanwhile i go to another one."

"i thought you just had a bad sense of fashion" he said, but juyeon just ignored the nonsense

"so you're good a drawing?" jaehyun asked looking like a baby to juyeon's eyes; he just guessed seeing how everyone held a block with many big papers, those students had the same uniform as juyeon

"yes, exactly." the younger laughed "you need to let your favourite hyung see your drawings one day." jaehyun turned himself looking out of the window "who said you were my favourite hyung?"

"am i wrong?" jaehyun smirked already knowing the answer



"so, that's my school." juyeon said, feeling some glares on him "we have some time, i could let you have look around." he proposed, but as he looked towards jaehyun he also saw some people giving him a weird look

"why are people looking at me?" he questioned to jaehyun, hearing a loud laugh from him "cause you're talking to the air, idiot." juyeon cursed himself mentally, taking his phone and faking to talk with someone on the other line to not look, at least, crazy.

"you could've told me before." juyeon pouted

"i can show myself, unless you want me to bump in some students and pierce them." jaehyun shrugged "no, it's fine like that." juyeon let out a nervous laugh

"so, where are we going?" jaehyun asked excited
"i need to let you know the friend whom i trust the most, just to see if he thinks i'm crazy or not." juyeon smiled, trying to take jaehyun's hand and run like you see in every cringe story, but couldn't since he was trying literally to catch air "oh, sorry i forgot. follow me."

they moved in another place, where his friend usually goes before class starts, it was a alley outside their class window, so it was also easy to sneek out and come back in a blink of an eye, without their teachers realise
"here." juyeon said, attracting his friend's attention who was sitting on the floor, reading a book to kill the time

"oh, hey there." he smiled giving juyeon and high five "why you here?"

"i wanted to show you something- well, someone." juyeon smiled proudly, pointing at the guy beside him "so, where are they?" he asked, a little confused. was juyeon going crazy?
"oh, sorry. you can show yourself now."

"are you sure he won't snitch?"

the two spoke under the friend's very confused glance, it seemed as if juyeon had bumped his head very strong somewhere and now talked to the nothing.

"no, he won't. come on."

"just for you." jaehyun said, finally letting the unknown see him

"oh motherfucking god." he opened his mouth widely, not believing his eyes, and also rubbing them to see if it was just a dream - guess it wasn't -
"who is it?"

"he's lee jaehyun, my hologram." juyeon said, smiling

"y-your hologram? yes, because it's ordinary having a hologram nowadays, right." his best friend said as if he was going crazy, trying to find a logical explanation
"come on, introduce yourself dude." juyeon urged him on
"god what am i doing. hi, i'm-"

"moon kevin, born the 23 february, half korean and half canadian, infp. nice to meet you."
jaehyun said instead of kevin, making him almost faint
"what the actual fuck, how do you know these things?"

"stop cursing." juyeon scolded him "sorry."

"it's simple, in my r-disc i know every person in every country of the world, if i look at you in the eyes i can know every piece of your life." jaehyun shrugged, putting his hands in his hologram's pockets.

"so you already knew everything about uniforms?" juyeon collected some dots and questioned, earning an embarassed expression from the computer

"yeah... i just wanted to do some conversation."

kevin interrupted "and how did you get... 'this'?" he said referring to jaehyun

"hey! i might be a computer but i have feelings too." he pouted feeling taken for a ride "whatever." kevin shrugged

meanwhile the two were arguing, juyeon was thinking to a valuable explanation to tell kevin
"well, uhm you know my father is a ceo right? he tried to make a hologram for people, and he is the best one made."

jaehyun didn't know wether it was a compliment or not.

"he did? your father is amazing, he made the most annoying one!" kevin joked, "nice to meet you, jaehyun." he finally greeted him

as they where about to start a conversation, the bell rang signalling that class was about to start soon, so the three silently agreed to 'later'

Kevin knocked at the window with one of their classmates opening it "thank you jacob." he smiled, receiving a hand to help him enter the class "here juyeon, let me help you." jacob said kindly, landing a hand to him too "thank you." juyeon answered shyly making jaehyun pout, feeling jealous without even realising.

jacob closed the window after him "will you not help me?" jaehyun snapped with anger "come in silly, you can pierce the wall." juyeon whispered, making kevin shake his head as he couldn't see jaehyun once again but he knew at who juyeon was talking to.

"i swear this is insane."

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