Chapter 9- Sexy Butterfly

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Some of the men I'm meeting don't mind getting rid of you if needed

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Some of the men I'm meeting don't mind getting rid of you if needed. I took Big John and three of my men with me. Kevin, Daniel, and Nathaniel have always worked for me since I was a teenager. They've risked their lives for me and will do anything I asked so they always go with me on trips.

During my stay I've been sketching and drawing up plan after plan. The building they want is for their hotel but the design and foundation has to be perfect to balance it and turn the way they want. I really haven't had time to check my text messages or emails. I know Andrew had to have been gotten back to me about Celeste parents but I don't even want to think about her. It's bad enough she's been on my mind. The way she closed her eyes and leaned into me. Trusting me and allowing me to taste that innocence of hers. The thought of that moment makes me hard and gives me goosebumps. I'm fucking tired of it. I never had a woman affect my mind and body like this. I gotta get rid of this hard on. FUCK. Let me call Daniel.

He picked up on the second ring. "Yeah Luke? You need anything?"

"Send up that bartender that gave me her number the other night. An tell her to bring up a bottle of Whisky too." I hung up and finished up a paper I was working on until I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door she was standing there smiling at me and ran her hand down my chest to my belt.

"I thought you forgot about me." She spoke in a low playful tone. I wasn't in the mood to play and she was going to find that out right now.

I let her walk inside and then locked the door. As I turned around I watched her walk around the penthouse I was staying in as she started undressing. Swaying her hips left to right smirking at me as she unzipped her skirt and it fell to the floor. Then, she unbuttoned her blouse and let it slide down her arms. I walked up to her and grabbed her hips from behind.

"How could I forget a beautiful woman like you, baby? Do me a favor and walk to my desk." She giggled and did what she was told and looked at me.

"Now turn around and put your hands on the desk."

"O-okay baby." Once her hands was on the desk I walked up until I was behind her and pressed my hard on against her ass earning me a moan. I grabbed her hips and leaned down near her ear.

"I'm going to make sure you never forget me. By time I'm done with you, you'll be wishing you never set foot in here." I took a step back and with my foot I pushed her legs further apart. "Every thought you have I will be in it." I rubbed her left ass cheek then the right and when I lifted my hand I slapped the right cheek. She gasped and moaned trying to push back on my hand. I grabbed a fist full of her hair in my left hand pulling it and then slapped her left ass cheek.

"Oh yes, baby." She moaned out.

I slapped in between her cheeks where her wet lips were and she moaned again. "It's yes daddy to you. Speak when I allow you to. Do I make myself clear?". I slapped in the middle again.

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