Chapter 3: Departure

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— You probably are curious about why I am now telling you all of this ? suddenly asked Tagon before taking a big sip of alcohol.

This time Yangcha didn't really pay attention to his words, he  was more concerned by the quantity of alcohol his lord had been wading through since the beginning of their conversation. He knew his leader capable of holding his liquor but that didn't mean he liked to see him drink. Drinking to celebrate a victory was one thing but drinking because something was on his mind him wasn't a habit the masked warrior wanted to see coming back. Sadly he couldn't tell his master anything and even if he had been able to he wouldn't have, it wasn't his place, so all he could do was observe him. He glanced at one of the many alcool jars in the tent. They were gifts from rich personalities of Arthdal and from the leaders of The Union, although Yangcha doubted Asa Ron had accepted to spend money on something else than himself. Since alcohol could cause the fall of any good army they were stocked in the tent of the leader to avoid being opened outside of big occasions, however Tagon had never been really good at respecting the rules of The Union. Yangcha sighed internally, next to the writing desk of his master there were two empty jars. As an Igutu, just like any other poisons, alcohol had way less effect on him than Sarams, however he still could get drunk if he wasn't careful. And Yangcha wasn't particularly excited at the idea of  dealing with a drunk Tagon, he would act just like the other Daekan members, meaning he would act stupidly. He would say weird things his loyal right-hand man couldn't understand and would also tease him a lot.

— All of this will depend on you Yangcha.

The concerned blinked multiple times out of surprise after hearing his name "Me ?"

— I want you to leave tomorrow at dawn and to go to Arthdal.

"Did something happen there ?" silently asked Yangcha totally focused this time.

— Once you will arrive there you will meet my son, Saya.

The warrior repeated the last word in his head "Saya", it sounded nice to the ear. He was curious to see what kind of face accompanied such a particular name.

— He chose this name himself, it has multiple meanings since it's a word used in different foreign languages. explained Tagon while pouring himself another drink. Taealha told me he was smart and enjoyed learning new things, I guess that much is true.

Tagon had spoken with a sort of softness in his voice which didn't escape to his soldier. Was he proud of his son or was it the alcohol ? A part of Yangcha hoped it was the latter, he didn't know why but hearing Tagon compliment his son didn't feel good. He didn't like that. But he didn't say anything and simply waited for his lord to finish his explanation, as always did.

— When you will meet him, Saya will try to kill you.

Yangcha stiffened but did not lose his composure, he trusted Tagon more than anyone else andmaybe even more than himself, there had to be a reason for his master to send him there despite the threat. Maybe Saya had rebelled and Taealha had requested Tagon to send Yangcha to bring him back ? Or maybe he had been captured by an enemy and Tagon wanted to warn him of the possible reaction his son might have when he would come to rescue him ?  Many theories and questions flew in Yangcha's mind, to the point that he didn't notice Tagon's amused gaze on him for some time.

— Don't go and imagine the most catastrophic stories. he said with a teasing tone, I simply want you to test his skills in a fight.

Yangcha slightly frowned that was an unexpected order. "Is that all ?" There had to be more to it than just dueling with his son, this was something even Hae Tuak could do.

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