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I walked back upstairs to find Hayes just waking up.
"Morning babe." He spoke giving me butterflies.

~~one moth later~~

Our relationship was good. I loved being with him. He always knew how to make me smile.

I was over at Hayes house with Nash and Cameron.
"Kayla! Hayes!" We heard Nash call from downstairs.
"What?" I yelled back.
"We need to talk to you two!"
I looked to Hayes and he shrugged.
"Are we in trouble?" I laughed.
"What would we have done to get in trouble?" He laughed to me with a smirk knowing that we could have done something.

We walked downstairs ant saw Nash and Cam on the couch.
"Yes?" I said.
"We need to talk to you guys." Cam said.

"Me and Cam are moving." Nash said.
"To where?" Hayes asked.
"LA." Nash said.
"What! Cam you can't leave me!" I yelled. Cam and I grew closer and he was now more like a big brother than before.
"Oh I see how it is." Nash pouts.

"Sorry." I said.
"We want you two to come stay with us for a few months." Nash said.
"Three days." Cam spoke.
"What about school." Hayes asked.
"Mom agreed to let you two do online schooling." Nash said.

Oh yeah did I mentioned I lived with them now. Well I do. My dad became a alcoholic again. So I just moved in.

"How many months are we staying?" I asked
"Um, not sure." Cam said.
"You guys need to go pack!" Nash excitedly told us.

Me and Hayes ran up the stairs splitting paths as we got there. I ran into my room and quickly grabbed a bag. I placed many different outfits. I went ahead and put my hair stuff and makeup in the bags. Considering we left in three days I wouldn't need any of it.

I walked back downstairs and sat on Cams lap.
"Hey Bugg." He said. Bugg was a frequent nickname I was called.
"Hey Cam!"
"What's up?" He asked.
"Nothing." I grunted.
"I'm bored!" Nash yelled from his seat.
"Well what do you wanna do?" Me and Cam asked looking towards him.
"I dunno." He said laughing.
"Wanna go to the mall?" Hayes said as he plopped down on the couch.
"Yaaassss." Nash answered.
"I'm driving!" Cam yelled running to the door.

The rest of us got up and walked to the door. Me and Hayes sat in the back of the car. We drove to the mall and hurried out of the car. We walked in and around for about two hours.

"You guys I'm tired. Can't we just go home?" I pouted grabbing onto Cam and putting all my weight on him.
"If you want." Nash said laughing at Cameron because he almost tripped over his own feet.
"Yeah let's go." Hayes talked while yawning.

It was only 10:35 at night so I don't know why he was tired. We got in the car and this time Nash wanted to drive. When we got home I walked upstairs and took a shower. I got out and put on clothes. I put on a tie-died crop top and shorts. I always put on crop tops to sleep.

I walked downstairs with mine and Hayes phone in hand. He had asked me to bring his down. I was halfway down and his phone started to ring.
"Hayes your getting a call." I said.
"Who is it." He asked in return.
"Um. Emily?" I said not knowing who she was.
"Great." He said sarcastically. I was a bit confused but gave him his phone.

I sat next to Nash while he was on his phone. He was on Twitter going through his mentions. Hayes had went outside to talk on the phone. This made me think he was hiding something but I just shrugged it off.

If it was anything I would find out sooner or later. He's not really good at hiding things from me. He just always ends up telling me.

I was glad we had that good of a relationship. Made me think nothing would ever happen. This made me happy of the thought of us being together forever.

But my mind quickly got of that topic. Knowing that no relationship is ever as good as it seams. But for now it was love and I loved that I had it.

Hayes walked back in and sat on the other couch. I got up and moved by him and he looked up to me.
"I love you." He spoke pecking me on the lips.
"I love you too." I smiled.

Sorry this is kinda short. Update tomorrow probably! But I'm still not sure... tomorrow is Monday. So yeah! Hope you have a good day and I'll see all of your beautiful faces soon!

Let me help you (Hayes Grier)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu