surprise [sixteen]

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"varian? where exactly are you taking me?"

afew minutes ago, varian had told you that he had a surprise for you. then he pulled out a blindfold and wrapped it around your head, he then took your hand and started leading you somewhere. you had no idea where he was taking you, and the anticipation started becoming too much.

you tried to get a sneak peek at your surroundings by slightly lifting up your blindfold, but varian immediately saw what you were doing and pulled your blindfold back down. "hey!" why did it have to be so secret? you knew it was a surprise, but come on!

varian chuckled, keeping a hand on your cheek. "i thought i told you it was a surprise, that means no peeking." you smiled at him as he took your hand again and continued leading you away.

you walked for a few minutes, and you were starting to get sick of waiting. thankfully though, it seemed like you had arrived. "okay, now you can take it off." finally, you couldn't wait, you pulled off the blindfold and couldn't wait for your surprise.


your wide grin spread across your face faded as soon as you saw what was in front of you. you were expecting some spectacular sight, something beautiful that would make you feel as if you were in a dream, or a fairytale. but it wasn't like that at all, it was quite plain, and... ugly.

then, you heard laughter. turning to look beside you, you saw that varian couldn't stop laughing, to the point that he had tears in the corner of his eyes. you looked at him confused at first, before your face shifted into a not-so-impressed look as you crossed your arms over your chest. had this seriously just been a joke? he brought you all the way out here for a joke?

"ah... you should've seen your face!" finally finished with his obnoxiously loud laughter, he wiped the tear from the corner of his eye and looked at you with a proud grin. you were so going to get him back for this, but just as you were about to express how unimpressed you were, he grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around to see the real surprise.

now this looked like it had been pulled straight out of a fairytale.

you had never seen anything like it. there was a beautiful pond with a water fountain, and the ground was covered in magnificent flowers. honestly, it wouldn't be much of a surprise to see a unicorn prancing around as well.

"this is..." you trailed off, lost in your words. you couldn't find a word to describe how... beautiful it was. seriously, this was the best surprise from varian ever, even better than the time he surprised you with a caterpillar that you both raised together.

"come on, wanna take a closer look?" varian held onto your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. you looked at him with a soft blush, and he ran towards the pond pulling you along. he seemed so excited to show you, he sat right in front of the pond and patted the spot beside him.

you sat down beside him and watched the water flow into the pond. you were still waiting for that unicorn to show up.

"how did you find this place?" you asked in pure awe, wishing that he had taken you there sooner. seriously, why hadn't he taken you to this place before?

he shrugged his shoulders. "i just came across it one day when i was looking for ingredients for one of my experiments," he explained, turning his head to look at you. he wore a soft smile on his lips, "pretty amazing, huh?" oh, amazing was an understatement.

"amazing? varian, it's..." you couldn't find a specific word to say, so you just let out a light chuckle. "it's so much more than 'amazing'," you told him, smiling into the distance. distracted by the beautiful sight in front of you, you didn't notice varian slowly moving closer, and sneaking his hand on top of yours.

you turned to look at him, and saw him shyly looking away, a light blush on his cheeks. "well, i'm glad you like it, because... i plan to take you here again, and to other places even better than this ─ just the two of us." he slowly turned his head and his eyes locked with yours, and the two of you just stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.

varian cleared his throat and averted his gaze, looking rather nervous about something. he then took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second and looked back at you, leaning even closer. "(y/n), i... i brought you here because i wanted to tell you something. you have to promise you won't laugh at me, okay?"

you immediately nodded your head, a soft smile appearing on your lips. "of course i won't laugh, just tell me, what is it?" you were eager to know what was making him so nervous. you had a slight idea, but you weren't sure. varian lowered his gaze, and mumbled something under his breath.

you were about to ask what he said, but you were cut off by a sudden quick kiss, which only lasted for three seconds before he pulled away. "i-i like you, (y/n), a lot. you mean so much to me and i don't know what i'd do without you, so please, accept my feelings..."

you didn't know what to say, you couldn't describe how happy you were at that moment. so instead, you showed it, by returning a kiss. he cupped your cheeks and your hands played with his hair, you both pulled away after a few seconds. "i love you too, varian. and you have to bring me here more often."

a blatantly obvious dark blush on his cheeks, he gave you a goofy grin as he nodded his head. he put his arm over your shoulder and you leaned into him as you both admired the beautiful scenery. nothing could have made that day any better...

besides some unicorns, you knew they were hiding somewhere and you were definitely going to find them next time.

MY ONE AND ONLY - ᵛᵃʳᶦᵃⁿ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ᵒⁿᵉˢʰᵒᵗˢDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora