12:12 Part 1

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  • Dedicated to @Random_Stack

This is Restricted for a reason. Dear 12 yr old stack fans.... fuck off, you don't have a chance. They're in their 20's now do you honestly think they want to fuck you. Get a life. Meet some guys your age!!

Ok now that's off my chest.....

Please enjoy this fan-fic. @Random_stack was my insiration for this. Some characters may remind you of twitter friends :) but they're not. Amanda is not Amanda from 11:11. @random_stack is inmy story (coz she's amazing and i hope to meet her!!!) but she's not in it yet.


Love you lots

Molly xxx

12:12-Part One

Lauren was walking towards the bar where she would be meeting him; he had called her earlier that day asking her to meet him here at five. It had been awhile since they had seen they had seen each other, four years to be exact.


I saw him and I realised how hot and grow-up he now looked from the last time I had seen him. He noticed me and rushed to greet me.

"Hey Lauren" he said hugging me, "wow you look great, nice dress" he said with a cheeky smile. I giggled to myself I could tell that it wasn't the dress he was looking at. He looked so much different then I remember I couldn't help but feel a sightly aroused by the strong smell of his cologne and the way his lips felt as they pressed against my cheek.

I started to think about how much had changed in both our lives, last time I had seen him we had just been two kids living in the Central Coast having some fun. And now he was playing bass in a successful band. And I had just opened a small clothing/shoe store in Sydney with my twin sister and best friend. I smiled to myself as I thought about this, both these things had been dreams that we talked about but never thought would actually happen.

"So long time no see. How have you been?" he said as we sat down.

"Really good actually, i just opened a store its called Runway, and it's doing really well, we design and make most of the clothes ourselves" I said with a sense of pride in my voice.

"Holy shit! Are you serious? That's awesome, Well i guess i owe you $50" he said laughing, he had the most amazing smile and a perfect set of teeth, I couldn't help but blush a little as he handed me my money. When we were 15 we had made a beat that if either of our crazy dreams came true we would give the other one $50.

"Haha i guess i owe you 50 dollars as well, I can't believe we both got what we wanted, it's so unreal. So, tell me about Short Stack I've seen you guys on TV a lot, and I've listened to your album. You guys are actually really good, I'm impressed". I said handing him a $50 note.

Accepting it with a proud smile he answered "That means a lot coming from you, yer the band is going great i still can't believe all this has happened I mean our first album was a huge success and were about to start working on the second one, and I love touring and doing the meet and greats, it's great I couldn't be happier".

I looked at him with and smiled I couldn't believe that after all these years, I was sitting here talking to him like no time had passed at all, I could tell he was thinking the same thing and he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and smiled, i felt my heart stop for a minute. We just sat there staring at each other a sense of longing in both or eyes. We were rudely interrupted by the bartender who had come to see if we wanted anything. Andy ordered two shots and when she came back he toasted;

"To the dreams we never thought possible" we raised our glasses then downed the drinks, and he called out to the bartender;

"Can we get another round over here!" I smiled this was gonna be a good night.

(Later that night)

We decided to leave the bar and go for a walk, to talk properly and catch up. I followed him because he seemed to know where he wanted to go.

"So tell me something, why after four years did you decide to call me?" I was curious because since I had moved to Sydney with my dad and sister when I was 16, we had lost contact and stopped talking; i had always regretted it, because we had been so close. My sister, Vanessa had always told me that we would make the perfect couple, and I secretly had always thought so too.

"Well I've been thinking about you a lot lately and you owed me $50 dollars so i hunted you down" he winked at me.

"Really? That's the only reason, just remember your a very bad lair" I knew he wasn't telling me the whole truth you could tell that there was more he wanted to tell me.

"Ok fine you win; I just broke up with my girlfriend of one year"

"Oh my god! Are you ok? What happened? Wait, you had a girlfriend, wow we do have a lot to catch up on, tell me everything!!"

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