"Fucking street rat!"

Bam coughed and wheezed as the mans foot kicked him in the stomach, clutching onto his stomach with one hand while the other hand was planted on the ground, trying to hold himself up.

"Pathetic" Another man snarled at him and yanked him to his knees by his hair. Bam staring at him from the corner of his eye and the man shook his head, throwing him onto the ground and Bam felt blood start to leak from his nose, "He's just a pathetic little street rat".

"Leave me alone" Bam coughed and he could feel bile in the back of his throat as another man kicked him in the stomach again,

"Don't fucking speak" He hissed and Bam laid on the ground, staring at the wall and wondering when on earth the men would kill him already.

"Evening gents" Came a familiar accented voice and Bam raised his head weakly to look, smiling a little when he saw Ville, "Nice night hm?"

The men didn't respond, Ville continued,

"Well, May I ask what your problem with my friend here is?"

"He stole from us" One of the men growled, "we're teaching him a lesson"

"And as of current he's a bloody bruised pulp, I'm sure whatever lesson you've been trying to teach has been taught"

"What're you some kinda fa-" Before the man could have finished the sentence, Ville had shot him in the shoulder, firing two more times and a bullet hit his other shoulder and his chest. The man stumbled back then collapsed.

"That's three bullets" Ville said, looking at the other two, rather stunned men, "now you can either leave me and my friend alone or I can imbed the remaining bullets in your skulls!"

One of the men ran off, the other stared at Ville before connecting his fist to Ville's jaw. Ville stumbled back and held onto his jaw before looking at the man, eyes darkening,

"Fine" Ville growled, pulling a knife from his belt, "have it your way".

Bam squeezed his eyes shut, hearing the screams of one man while the other begged for Ville to stop. Ville was yelling in Finnish and Bam knew enough to get the general gist of what he was saying,

"Come near my friend again and I'll rip your chest open and eat your still beating heart in front of your dying eyes!"

The men seemed to pick up on the gist too, Bam hearing them struggle to get away before two more gunshots rang and then he opened his eyes again, staring at the two bodies that laid on the ground.


Bam looked up, Ville was offering him a hand and Bam took it, standing up shakily and slowly. Ville picked him up like a groom would hold his bride and Bam covered his mouth as he coughed. Staring at his hands afterwards, blood. Not good.

"I'll get you to the hospital" Ville said, "then I'll hunt down the third"

"You didn't need to kill them"

"I didn't...but they'd have just looked for revenge" Ville said and Bam nodded, leaning his head against Ville's chest and closing his eyes as Ville started to walk. Feeling safe with his friend.

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