cuffed [four]

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"rapunzel, why?"

you hated this. you hated it so much.

you and varian at each other's throat so much, and accidentally knocking over a pretty expensive vase due to said arguing. as a punishment, the two of you, well... from now on, until the two of you could get along ─ you were cuffed together. some handcuffs, which you have no idea how rapunzel got her hands on some, trapped one of both of your hands, causing you to stay together.

how far away you could be from each other was limited, very limited. this was honestly the worst punishment ever, why was rapunzel so insistent on getting you two to get along? more importantly, why didn't eugene or cassandra say something about it?! in fact, they found the situation quite... humorous.

"i hate this," you grumbled, head rested on your palm. you were currently in varian's lab, with varian, forced to sit right beside him as he worked on his experiments or as you said, just to annoy him, magic. to which he'd respond by going on a long, annoying rant about how it wasn't magic.

the two of you had to take turns to do what you wanted, and unfortunately, it was currently varian's turn. "hi bored, i'm varian." you felt your eyes almost roll to the back of your head at his stupid response. this was getting more and more boring, and you wanted to do your stuff, not just sit here and watch varian.

although, glancing at his concentrated face, and watch as his face was full of hope when he finally got it right ─ though it wasn't too pretty when one of his experiments go wrong and blow up in both of your faces. which, when it happened for the second time in the same day, you finally had enough.

"that's it, i'm going." you stated, getting up from your seat, pulling him up as well. you were about to start walking, before you were yanked back. "hey! my turn still hasn't ended, you know." looking at him, your eyes were narrowed. "yeah, i know, and frankly, i don't care. i'm bored." saying that, you tried walking away again.

though, it wasn't as easy as you wished.

"ugh, come on!"
"no, you come on! stop interrupting my experimenting! i'm trying to create something that'll break this chain, you know! or do you want to actually get along?"

you stopped pulling as a thought popped into your mind, and a mischievous smirk spread across his face. causing varian to stop arguing and look at you with an eyebrow raised. "what do you have planned now...? i swear, it'll only get us into even more trouble."

you let out a chuckle, moving back to the table, leaning on it with your father rather close to his. "you're not going to stop thanking me when i end up getting this thing off of us."

"so... you guys really get along now?"

standing before an excited rapunzel, happy that her plan had worked, a suspicious eugene and cassandra, you thought the two of you could fool them as well.

you and varian, still cuffed together, both had smile on your faces as you looked at them. you nodded your head, "yep. i'm beyond surprised, but it looks like rapunzel's plan worked after all..." you stated, raising your hand to almost show off the metal that still held you and varian together.

before eugene or cassandra could speak up, rapunzel spoke up. "i knew it'd work! okay, i guess the two of you don't need to be chained together anymore," she said, pulling out the key to your freedom out of her pocket, making you think 'finally' though, you weren't free just yet.

"hold on a moment, blondie." eugene interrupted her, causing you and varian to narrow your eyes at him. just when you were so close. rapunzel looked at eugene confused as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the two of you, and you knew that he knew exactly what you were up to.

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