Chapter 28 - And The Truth Comes Out {Part 2}

Start from the beginning

I slammed my fist into the dashboard once again. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have not known that I had known Valentino? If I had been with him for so many months something should of trigger inside me despite the amnesia.

But it never did.

His tropical turquoise eyes were staring into mine just like any other moments we had in the past and just for a second I saw something

Something so familiar, something old, something I've seen before



"Have we met before?"

The answer, if we had ever gotten around to it would have been yes. But would he have lied to me?


"How could you think I'd keep a secret girlfriend, no, secret fiancé from you and everyone? I wouldn't lie to you" Valentino said.

He said he'd never lie to me. But little did I know that he had been lying to me ever since I met him.

Lies. Everything I've known what if it all was lies.? What if my parents aren't my real parents? What if Valentino's name isn't really Valentino. All the memories with them in my past, how could I never have come across any?

I impatiently rummaged through my purse and found my phone and dialed a number. After a few rings she picked up.

"Hello Cassie, where are you? You left early today"

Not only would I not tell her that I'd left San Francisco and tell her about Nyah's condition, I didn't have time to talk about such little things. I mean in comparison to this whole situation they were.

"I know everything" I replied, a few seconds later my mom answered

"What do you mean you 'know everything' honey? Where are you?" Her confused voice once would have made me smile at her being oblivious but today it just made me angry. I don't know why

"Valentino, Kiera, I've known them for longer that six months haven't I?" I was hoping that my mother would tell me that everything I had learned in this past hour was just a misunderstanding. That there was another girl Kiera had been talking about, or even better if I just woke up from a nightmare.

"Why do you think that Cassie?" I took her a while to answer back, only adding to my suspicion.

"The car crash, I forgot more than you let me believe, didn't I?"

Again I was left in a painful silence, all I needed to confirm my suspicion. It was all true. Before she could reply, I answered my own question

"I have, and you, dad, Valentino, his family, oh god...even Diego knew about it"

"You sure you want me to help Diego? If I have anything to do with it, he might become an even better player than you" Valentino asked smirking just a little.

The reason why Valentino knew my brother's name. It wasn't because I told him without realizing, it was because he already knew him.

My own eleven year old brother was a part of the plan to lie to me. Who else? Who else had they spun into their web of lies?

"How did you find out?" mom asked defeated only making my sadness slowly bubble up into anger

"How did I know? HOW DID I KNOW? The real question is why did my whole fucking family keep something from me? Ever since the car crash I've been looking for something, something I knew I had forgotten and all along you knew. You could have helped me but instead you lied again and again to me".

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