His place

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"Look what I brought!" Eddie says enthusiastically as he sees his friend's group going through the front door of Rob's place.

Rob looks at the box to what seems like a very sad piece of sticky toffee pudding.

"Your mama says hello by the way."

"You crazy, man? This poor corpse survived the flight here?" Tom asks taking the plastic box from Eddie's hands.

"And look who I brought!" Rob mimics Eddies's tone as he again takes Kristen hand to bring her to his side. This time she feels his touch but not the shock from earlier. She counts her breaths from 1 to 3 though.

"Oh my God! Oh. My. Rob, you shouldn't! My favorite american treat!" Eddie says wrapping his arms around Kristen's tiny body.

She can help but giggle and welcome his embrace. "You're such a silly pudding," she plays.

"Not as silly — or sticky as this one," Andrew points his spoon to the box from where he and Tom take turns poking the piece of spongy cake. They must have run to the kitchen for the spoons and came back in record time.

Are they high?

"Not really, just addicted to British desserts apparently." Rob says and she then realizes she must have said that out loud. Oh.

"Guys, guys, ok! Now that you are all here and — I can't believe — Kristen, you're here too! Let me show you my drafts and hear your ideas." Eddie invites them to the living room table, Rob's living room table, where he proceeds to open a couple of manila folders and spread pictures and script pages around.

Kristen reads what she can get, as everyone starts speaking at the same time it appears. To say they're excited about the project would be an understatement.

She feels something cold pressing on her arm from behind and turns to see Rob offering her a beer. She takes it and watches as he drinks a gulp of his own not taking his eyes from her.

"It's a 2020 version of Dogville," Rob explains. "Mindfuck."

"Oh, dude," she breathes.

He smiles. "Thought you'd like it."

"So how does it go?" She questions Eddie, who's showing some pictures to Tom.

"Rob said a new Dogville?" She questions.

"Yeah, but instead of crime and labor as a back curtain, we're talking about sexuality and gender. Acceptance versus prejudice and malice."

Kristen feels her breath caught in her throat. "It's a very sensitive subject." For me she wanted to add, but stops herself.

"It is a hot topic, for everyone now, Kris. LGBTS and straight people too, everyone is trying to find their place in a world that shows us more and more that sexuality is fluid. We're all fluid."

She thinks for a moment.

"That's so true. And it can be scary as shit for most people, dude." Kris adds and Rob is paying attention to her fidgeting manners.

He remembers how it was for her when they were together. She wanted him, and she also wanted more. She seems more at ease now. Well, not as she discusses these things with Eddie, but in general.

"Kris, this idea came to me as I was filming The Danish Girl. And a year ago as I was preparing for a project with Nicole so I decided to watch Dogville again. That's when the entire script came to life in my mind."

"I think I haven't rewatched this movie since it came out... I remember being 13 I think, and it was shocking, the best, best kind."

"We should definitely watch it again today! Rob?" Eddie asks as if Rob was sort of a host. It was his house, but they could do whatever they wanted.

"Um, sure," Rob scratches the back of his head. "Let me go prepare the home theater."

"See, Kris, we're using the same stage-like set and ceiling camera style. The lines on the floor will mimic the limits, the faux borders of sexual gender stereotypes. Our main character crosses them in every chapter and is treated differently by the village citizens in each one. Until we realize the whole village also crosses these lines and when they don't act on them, they become emotionally charged and that's what makes them react the way they do towards our main character."

She was in awe by the plot.

"Wow, Eddie. What can I say? Hire me?" Everyone laughs at her reaction.

"I mean, dude, I can produce, help you out with casting or locations that will be cost-effective... just name it. I understand your enthusiasm with this project now and I want in."

"Well, Kris," Tom intervenes. "It may be the other way around."

"What do you mean?" She wants to know.

"It's you that should be hiring Eddie for this one." Tom says but doesn't explain.

"You see," Andrew is the one to clear it up. "We're all chipping in. A couple mils each."

"Yeah, the beauty of Dogville was also in their tight 10 million budget. It was only a 1.5x return, which we would consider a major win. We're looking into a very similar budget, but to potentially break even or very close to that."

"Well, that's... conservative. But I believe I can spare some hundred thousands right now." She couldn't go as far as Andrew's couple mils since she had still to see some return from current projects and couldn't take from her main resources, yet. But a self funded project with her (and his) friends sounded like a lot of fun. The plot spoke to her and she definitely saw potential.

"That's beautiful! And for the creative contribution, I mean, the guys here thought I should direct, but I don't mind having a co-director! I believe your view so much, for everything, you know that. I mean, Come Swim is ... wow!" Eddie adds.

Kristen is clearly touched by his words. "You saw that? Dude, that's so nice. Thanks."

"We all did," Rob says this right next to her. She hasn't noticed he was back from the other room and looks startled.

"Ok, everyone, Dogville starting in 5min on the adjacent room. Help yourselves to more beer and snacks in the kitchen and come." Rob says to the group and Kristen can't help but smile.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing, just... look at you all hosting-like and welcoming people... I remember you speaking to the large group at our place, just to say it was late and to kick people out!" She laughs.

The mere mention of their shared home brings memories and emotions to the surface for him. He wonders how she can do that so nonchalantly.

"I know, but it's that there were some very hosting and welcoming-like things I could only do when the party left." He teases on a hushed voice and waits for her blushing. Back in the day it would have come.

"Really? Since when you waited for people to leave? I remember you hosting some encounters to very welcoming guests a couple times... even as the party was still rolling downstairs."

He wasn't expecting her teasing right back. And the memory of having other girls in their bedroom, with her there of course, always the two of them together those couple of times...

He is the one blushing now.

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