Outside View

846 7 1
  • Dedicated to Lucanite

The Shinigami academy shut down its doors when the newest them attacked the Seireitei. Them was the name used for the latest enemy that threatened the peace of Soul Society until the students could find themselves getting more information about the events that transpired while they were sent to stay with their families. The leave of absence felt like an early vacation from school despite having heard the commotion of battle near the academy walls.

Hana's mind was a blur as the June weather beat down on her brown head of hair. Every week she returned home to her family in order to tell them about what occurred at the academy and what she learned despite how basic a first year students lessons happened to be. This time she was returning home to announce that the Shinigami were fighting with a new them. Her mind didn't comprehend what this meant beyond the fact everyone was excited about the news.

Her feet beat a quick pace back to the family home without out right running when her right foot slipped on loose gravel on the path. Hana's body began to fall towards the ground as the palm of her hands shot forward to catch her young body. The instinctive action didn't stop her from scrapping her nose on the ground. The brown haired girl sat up and rubbed her nose in irritation as she knelt on the ground with her legs sticking out each way.


Hana's eyes darted up to see a boy from the same small village staring at her. "Terunori-san?"

"Don't act like you're surprised to see me when we do in fact live in the same area of the Rukogani." The boy's hand reached down to help her up. The two young academy students proceeded to walk back to their village in the Junrinan district. The fighting sounds that occurred within the Seireitei prior to the evacuation of the students became forgotten with the peaceful sounds of the district. The place lived up to the name "lush forest peace".

The two parted near Hana's house and she stepped up through the sliding door. She slipped off her sandals and greeted her mother. "Hana... weren't you home just a few days ago."

"They sent the academy students home."

"The academy never sends the students home." Her mother looked towards the Seireitei with worry. "Something must be wrong."

The young academy student brushed away any thought that something could be wrong and instead thought about going back to the academy later on. She didn't even worry when a fiery glow lit up the sky. Terunori showed up around this time and sat on the wooden porch with her. "You saw the sky, right Kamoku-san?"

"The sky was quiet pretty."

"Something didn't feel right about that sky."

"Are you worried about what is going on as well?"

Terunori frowned. "I don't know. If the Shinigami lose then I won't be able to become the youngest captain ever like I want to. Actually... if someone else ends up taking over then that means the entire government system will be over thrown."

"I don't understand how that kind of thing works. We're kids, so we're not expected to know those kind of things."

"Not know? We're supposed to be Shinigami. I mean... we're supposed to be training to be Shinigami. How can we not care."


A dull colored sunlight beat down through the clouded windows of the room where the head captain of the Gotei Thirteen sat looking over the maps for reconstructing the Seireitei. His fingers drummed on the table and his mouth pushed tight. A knock came at the door of the room and a sigh escaped his lips as he sat backwards in his chair. His gray colored eyes looked at the entrance as a familiar face with white hair entered. "Jushiro! Do you bring any good news?"

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