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I watched Lea as she took the phone from me, arms shaking, eyes close to tears. She dialed the police, and spoke.

'h-hello..' she spoke, trembling, i had a feeling me or Anna would soon take over the call. 

we could just about hear the police words..

'hello ma'am, what may your problem be?' 

'well.. t-this has been g-going on for a while now... ' she looked at me, i winked and she smiled sadly before speaking again. ' im a dancer you see... on the x factor, and my boyfriend is Niall Horan from One direction.' 


'and well..  anouther dancer, Olivia, Wilson, who doesnt really like me, because i always get awards and good things, but she doesnt get as much. Its not my fault she doesnt, and i tried to help her gain more but she pushed me back. And then one day, she threatened to hurt me and niall, if i didnt break up with him and let her get to him.. this was a while ago, the night of the x factor final, i had a hurt leg and she pushed me, winded me. So i broke up with Niall, a-and she and him are dating now. He said to Harry his band mate, that she was annoying. I think she might of black mailed him. i dont know. But its horrid and im becoming depressed, apperently nialls upset to. And Olivias sending me horrible messages. I was hoping for your help sir.'

she stopped talking and there was a long pause before i heard a sigh. 

' right, im sorry for this. We will come and talk today in half an hour. Make sure that this Olivia and Niall are there, No one else, just you, olivia, niall and this harry who claims nialls upset. wheres the address?' 

'19 in the sundale appartments, south-london road.' she murmered, before hanging up. 

'well?' me and anna asked, i was honestly worried for her, she was getting depressed, properly. 

' they are coming to talk to us, in half an hour. Harry can you ring Niall and get him and Olivia here for 2'o clock? And anna im afraid they said just me, harry, niall and olivia in the meeting.' she shrugged, i hugged Anna her and she walked away smiling. 'good luck' she said before leaving. 


I dropped olivias hairbrush, (she forced me to brush her hair!) and ran towards my phone. Maybe it was Lea?! or not. 


'hello?' i said grumpily

'hey erm.. Ni, i need you and olivia round at Leas by 2, can you be there? its urgent!' he sounded serious. Whatever it was, it probably was important, without hesitating i agreed and hung up. 

' Olivia, we are going to Leahs house, Harry wants us there by 2, go get ready!' i said and began to run up the stairs, to get changed out of my blue onezi. 

'but babyy... leahs a weirdo bitch, and i only have half hour! i need longer than that ni-ni!' i turned around, i swear i was going to explode, she is so irritating!

' i dont care Olivia, get dressed and be ready by 5 to 2!' i shouted trying to keep in the anger and ran away to get dressed. She sighed and went to her room. 


I knocked on Leahs appartment , half hour later. I was nervous, i hadnt seen her in ages. Harry answered. 

'hey haz, whats the prob?' i asked and walked in.


he started, but before he said anymore, i looked in the appartment to see, Leah, and..........

the police?!.

I dance for you..(a niall horan story)Where stories live. Discover now