Chapter Eighteen: The Trixter and the Mermaid.

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(*screaming* yes this is an actual update woot woot!)

Chapter Eighteen: The Trixter and the Mermaid.

Kaytee's Point of View.

“You know, you should be proud of your little fool, Peter Pan.” Trix sighs with boredom, rolling his neck out, the disks clicking, eyes firm on Kaytee's from where she's observing on a log a few feet away from him, “He's given me quite the headache with all his yelling. He's a fiesty little bastard.”

The children around her tense, Simon holding a firm grip on her shoulders when she jumps up, anger and fear shaking her body. She looks to Simon, but gently pushes off his hands as she steps towards Trix, and the latter smiles wickedly. In the corner of her eyes, Kaytee sees and hears Nibs cock back a pistol when she's a foot away from the demon.

“No closer, Mother.” Nibs warns, “I need a clear shot if he tries anything screwy.”

Kaytee flinches at the brutal words and the image it bring to her mind's eyes, but she nods, taking a small step back. Trix glares at Nibs before looking back to Kaytee.

She can't take her eyes off him. This horrible thing is stuck in her husband and it's so wrong and horrid. Her heart is a mangled mess as she observes his blond curls, matted brown with blood, his torn, swollen lip, the bruises along his defined cheek bones. It's still Peter's face and it goes against everything inside her to not reach out and touch him, comfort him, kiss him, love him.

“Peter is still in there?” She asks Trix, her voice tentative, her eyes boaring into the dark eyes, the pupils so dilated, the emerald ring around is thinner than a thumbnail.

“Yep,” Trix says rather grudgingly, his nose wrinkling, “Hasn't stopped yelling since I got in here. And don't go thinking he's the innocent little saint you make him out to be, he's got himself a very established potty mouth. I'm impressed.”

Kaytee's heart is pounding. Peter is in there, fighting this demon from the inside out, but he's weak... there must be something she can do.

She steps forward. Nibs and Simon do as well.

Kaytee...” Simon's hand reaches out, but Kaytee holds her own up to silence him.

“I want to see...” Kaytee whispers, unblinking into Trix's black pools, fearing nothing for the first time in what seems like a millennium. “I want to try something. Please stand by his arms, make sure they are restrained.”

Nibs and Simon move to either side of the tree, tugging on the taught ropes digging into the skin of the demonic man. Nibs and Simon nod to each other once. Kaytee takes a deep breath and summons courage.

With another step forward, she is less than a foot away from him. He radiates an unearthly aura and Kaytee wants to recoil, but she fights it, just like she knows Peter is fighting this demon. Trix is smirking, cocky and confident. Kaytee's heart stumbles when she realizes how much different it looks when it's not Peter doing the smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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