Bad luck

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"Esmeralda, get up this instant or youll be late!!!" My mom yelled from the kitchen as usual.
"Five more minutes mom" I shouted while pulling the pillow on my head.
"Esmeralda if you don't get up now I'm coming up with a bucket of ice cold water!"
"Fine", I groaned geting up very slowly.
" I hate Monday mornings" I mummered under my breath. Just as I said that my big brother barged into my room yelling we are going to be late and walked out giving me privacy to get ready. My brother, Ryan, is one year older than me but we have a good relationship. He has dirty blonde hair same as me which we got from our mom. We have different colors eyes though, his is brownish pigment while mine is ocean blue.
I got up and walked into my walk in closet across from my queen sized bed. I pulled out a pair of red skinny jeans and a black crop top, then I went to my dresser and took a black lace bra and a pair of matching lace panties.
I lay them on my bed and entered the bathroom. I took a ten minute shower and got out the bathroom in my fluffy baby pink towel. I put on my clothes and my black ankle boots. I picked up my book bag and slung it over my shoulder, then getting my phone and keys from the nightstand. I walked down the stairs made some coffee and put it in my travel coffee cup. "Bye mom" I called as I walked  out the door."Be safe Esme" she called back."Okay mom,"I replied closing the door.
I got in my my red Mercedes,Miera,and drove to school and got there in ten minutes with five minutes to spare.
I went to my locker where my three bestfriends,Lillian,Katherine and Dylan,were waiting for me as usual.
"Hey guys!"I said as I approached them. "Hey Esme!" they all said in unisom.The bell soon rang and they went to our different classes while I got my books from my locker.While walking I put on my headphones then I bumped into a hard wall. The impact was so strong I fell to the ground and my books scattered all over the floor.
"Watch where you're going next time bitch" said the voice I knew all to well. When I looked up I saw none other than Alvero Lockwood standing in front of me with a sickening smirk on his face.
"What did you just call me?!"
"Bitch" he answered." Are you death or something?"
Now there was small crowd gathered and they knew I was short tempered so they moved back.
"You little motherfucker,after  you bumped into me, you called me a bitch and now saying I'm death too!" I yelled.
He replied casually"Pretty much."
That's when I couldn't take it any more,I threw a punch to his face and I'm pretty sure I heard a crack and there was blood informing  me the I had broken his nose. He yelled "What the fuck!?" while clutching his nose. I picked up my books as the warning bell rang.
"Stay out of my way next time."I said as I walked off to class. I got to class two minutes late.
Hi guys, hope you're enjoying the story. Its my first book so pardon my errors. I know its short but it will be longer next time.

Love you my kittens.😘

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