Ali smiled and gave him a kiss back. "As long as we have each other, everything will be fine. Nothing will tear us apart." Ali wrapped her arms James' neck and kissed his jaw line. "You'll see that things will be easier once we say the truth." she went back to kissing his neck like she did before their conversation. They both realized that they have had sex everywhere possible in her apartment and in his; except the kitchen...

Ali dragged her two luggage bags out of her room and headed for the living room. She knew her and James would return before she started school but Ali wasn't sure how many days they would stay.

"Hey Kate, we're heading out." Ali entered the living room where Kate was watching TV with Seth sitting beside her.

"Alright. Good luck and I hope everything works out. Don't worry, hopefully your parents understand." Kate gave AJ some assurance and gave her a hug.

"I hope so. Thanks Kate." Ali smiled at her. "Bye Seth...take care of my girl while I'm gone." she chuckled.

"No worries I will...hope you guys have a safe flight."

"Thanks Seth. I'll text you when we land and when we're coming back." Ali looked back to Kate who nodded in response. Ali grabbed her things and headed out the door to James' apartment next door. She knocked on the door and was surprised when Phillip opened the door.

"Phillip..hey." Ali gave him a warm smile.

"Ali, how are you?" Phillip moved out-of-the-way so she could enter.

"Good what about you?"

"Fine..I came to see if James wanted to grab a bite to eat but he told me you guys are going to San Francisco."

"Yeah, I think it's time that we tell my parents about us, you know?"

"Yeah...I hope everything goes well."


"Hey, you're here." James said entering the living room with his luggage.

"Yeah are you ready?" Ali asked and James nodded.

"Well I'll get out of flight and good luck." Phillip waved at them and left the apartment.

"Alright, let's go and make things better or worse..." James said in a sarcastic tone. Ali rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. They headed down the stairs and were able to get a cab rather quickly. Once they got to the airport James was trying to stay calm and collected. When they entered the plane, he sat in his seat next to Ali and sighed deeply. Ali grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers together. Ali knew James wasn't exactly confident about this but she would make sure to give him some reassurance.

(Hours later)

Ali and James got off the plane and grabbed their luggage as fast as they could. They grabbed a cab and went straight for Ali's house. During the cab drive, both Ali and James were silent. It wasn't an awkward silent but it wasn't pleasant either. Both of their hearts were racing and had millions of thoughts going through their head. They were both in deep thoughts that the drive wasn't too long. Before they knew it, the cab was parked right in front of Ali's house.

"Let's go." Ali said and got out of the car. James paid the car driver and collected his bags along with Ali. They walked up the stairs and stood in front of the door. Ali was surprised when James grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, giving her a warm smile. Ali smiled back before her hand left James' and she knocked on the door; closing her eyes and breathed in & out."

After a few seconds the door opened up to reveal Ali's mother, Brianna.

"Ali, sweetie what are you doing here?!" Brianna was so surprised to Ali there. She gave her a hug and almost didn't notice the man who was with her. When she did notice, she pulled away from the hug and looked at James; then at Ali. "Who is this?" Brianna asked confused. It was clear that Brianna had no clue how "Mr. Hetfield" looked like otherwise she would have let out a reaction right away.

"Can we come in before I explain everything?" Ali asked and looked up at James who was shitting bricks at this point. He was so sure he would be dead weight by the end of this whole thing.

"Umm, sure...come on in." Brianna said confused but let them in anyways.

James felt weird entering Ali's house for the first time. He had been in Ali's room plenty of times but that was it.

"Let's sit in the living room." Brianna suggested and they walked over.

"Where's dad, Jonathan, and Veronica?" Ali asked as she sat down on the couch with James right next to her.

"Oh, your dad convinced to her and Jonathan to go out for ice cream. Your dad wanted to attempt to make her feel better. So, are you going to explain?" Brianna gestured over to James. Ali was about to speak but she was cut off by James; by much surprise.

"I'm Ali's boyfriend, Mrs. Cade."

"Oh, boyfriend? Ali, how come you didn't tell us about him? Did you guys meet in Chicago?" Brianna asked and James looked over to Ali insinuating that it was her time to speak up.

"Not exactly mom. We met here in San Francisco. At school, when I was a senior. You see..." Ali paused and swallowed hard. She saw her mom giving both her and James a confused look. "He WAS my teacher. Mom, this is James...Hetfield. Mr. Hetfield. The same guy that Veronica love with." Ali confessed and took James' hand in hers. She bit her lip while she waited for her mom's reaction. Ali said it in plain form so she knew she would have to elaborate. Her mom's face was hard to read. Ali didn't know if it was good thing or a bad thing. She inhaled then exhaled before she began to explain everything to her mom.

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