chapter 2

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•song for chapter•
falling - trevor daniel

kennedy's pov
ethan and i lock eye contact and he looks down slightly noticing the guys hands on my waist.

he then clenches his jaw and his face looks mad with a little disappointment. ethan grabs his cup then stormed away...
weird, i thought

i run after ethan to see if he's okay. i end up finding him in a bedroom with his head in his hands.

"what's wrong eth?" i said calmly

"nothing" he spat back out.

ethan's pov

i hear the bedroom door open but i don't bother to check who came in...

"what's wrong eth?" she says in her angel like voice
"nothing" i said a bit harsh
"come on E i think i would know when my best friend is upset.." she said sweetly trying not to upset me anymore than i already was
i sighed.

"i didn't like the way that guy was touching you" i say getting worked up by just thinking abt it...
she seemed taken back by my comment
"what? me hanging with guys has never been a problem E what's wrong?"
"he's just a big douche bag and i don't want you to get involved with him" i said angrily

she walked over and placed her hand on my face and her thumb placed light strokes over my cheek. something she always did that could always calm me down.
my breathing slowed.

"okay i'll back off" she said quietly
"i'm sorry for overreacting i'm just looking out for you" i sighed.
"hey why don't we go back to your house for a movie marathon with extra snacks and i'll sleep over and we can spend the weekend together?" she asked

"that sounds amazing!" i said
her eyes lit up in excitement.
"yay! i'll go say bye to everyone then we'll leave okay?"

and so my weekend of just me and her began...

kennedy's pov at ethan and grays house

i texted my mom letting her know i was spending the night with ethan. she trusts him since i've known him for so long.

"here" he hands me blankets and pillows for our movie marathon. i grab them from him.

"hold on let me go get snacks... and maybe a few advil while you pick a movie i'll back!" i chuckle at him... this boy will be the death of me.

bc this is the first story i wrote out of three it'll be kinda bad but at abt chapter 6/7 things should get better

word count: 396
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