~~~Time Skip~~~
As usual, dance practice is Jimin's final class of the day. Hoseok and all the juniors were in the studio. He smiles and goes to put his bag down. DaeHyun and his friends saunter over and Jimin turns around,
"Need anything"
"Wow, Jimin Hyung, Did you get some"
Jimin shows a 'wtf' face and stares at him cause he didn't find that funny. Dae Hyun apologizes on behalf of his friend,
"I'm sorry for his comment, Jimin Hyung. There are hickeys so he assumed, sorry once again"
"It's okay, just don't make that joke again cause it isn't funny"
"But Jimin Hyung, you smell like an Alpha-" DaeHyun ask,
"Yea, I slept over at my boyfriend's place" Jimin giggles as he feels hands sliding on his waist and pulls him against a chest, "Speaking of boyfriend" he turns around and caresses Jungkook hair, "Hi boyfriend, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the lecture?"
"Lecturer called in sick so class canceled and we came" gesturing towards Taehyung, " I like my hoodie on you, it suits you"
"I like it too~" Jimin giggles,
They got interrupted by Hoseok, "Alright, let's start the class, Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the floor against the wall with their omegas' bags. Jungkook decided to do part of his assignment while waiting for Jimin so he took out his laptop and began. Throughout the class, Jimin was busy teaching the juniors. Daehyun still didn't give up and tries his chance with Jimin, complimenting him and flirting with him. But Jimin was too dense to realize he was flirting. Hoseok saw and shook his head, he could see what Daehyun was trying to do despite knowing Jimin has a boyfriend and is here. Taehyung glance at Jungkook and back at Jimin before smirking, he stretched while yawning loudly and lean on Jungkook, his arms blocking the latter's view,
"Taehyung-ah, get off"
"I'm not doing anything"
"Get off, You are blocking my view"
Jungkook shoves Taehyung away and glares at him.
"What?" Taehyung innocently asks, Jungkook rolls his eyes. He catches Daehyun flirting with Jimin and smack his lip feeling displeased.
Once the class was over, Namjoon walks in with Seokjin and Yoongi. Taehyung clings onto Yoongi and the latter lazily wraps his arms around Taehyung and walks over to the bags to give Hoseok a kiss. Jungkook stalks towards Jimin and back hugs him. Jimin was answering a few questions a group of juniors had. The group bowed and walked away. Jimin turns around in Jungkook's arms.
"Hi Baby"
"Hi Kookie"
Jungkook kisses Jimin for a few seconds and Jimin kisses him back. However, they were interrupted by Daehyun,
"Erm... Jimin Hyung, So this step I don't get it and can't there any other way to do this step?"
"Oh, I'm afraid this is the only way Daehyun. Thi-"
Jungkook interrupts, "it's a dance major, you should have picked other majors if you knew you gonna struggle dancing"
"What?! Did I say anything wrong?"
"No you didn't, but still-"
"It's true isn't it"
"It is but-"
"Then, too bad. Ask one of your friends to help you with the steps you don't know or change your major, Jiminie is done for the day and have other things to do. He can't be helping year 1s' and ignore his life, he still schooling"