Midnight Discussions (II)

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Damien rolled his eyes again, clearly a bit peeved by my stubbornness as he moved to walk ahead of me.

"Did you hear that?"

The question escaped my mouth in a hushed tone, the words meant only for Damien as my hand shot out in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

Glancing from left to right, I glowered at my surroundings, not enjoying the unidentifiable darkness.

Why did it have to be so fuckin dark?

I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching us, that someone else was here. I could feel their presence, and the fact that I could was enough to tell me how strong they were.

Judging by the way Damien stiffened beside me, he too must've sensed it.

Good, so I wasn't crazy.

He turned away from me, instinctively guarding my back as I surveyed the area behind him. Turning on my perfect vision, I skimmed through the forest, my eyes sliding over everything that was in my line of sight without missing a detail.

Once done, I double checked before letting out a relieved sigh. "It's gone," I mumbled to Damien, my voice low, but he still managed to hear me.

Immediately, his shoulders relaxed, and his green eyes locked with my own. "What was that?"

"There was definitely someone there," I murmured thoughtfully. "Most likely not a rogue, unless they've somehow learned to mask their scents."

He scoffed. "That's not something you learn, Alexandria, not unless you're a Fae."

I let out a quiet laugh, both of us continuing to walk. "A Fae would have to have a death wish if they were willing to venture into your Alpha's territory. We both know he hasn't become even a little more tolerant of my kind, even if I was raised amongst them."

Damien let out a tired sigh, that mere exhale reflecting all his inner turmoil. "I just don't understand why we all can't just get along. If we could, I'd probably be with my mate right now."

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, before blinking and refocusing ahead of me.

"The moment the Moon Goddess split us up into different races, our fates were sealed."

Damien blinked down at me. "But look at us, we get along fine."

I smiled, my head dipping, before I turned back to him. "We didn't in the beginning, now did we?"

He paused at that, and after a few moments of silence, he shook his head. "You got me there."

I giggled, my eyes drifting forward as my mates home appeared in my line of sight. "This world is a mess, Damien. Strong, hateful men become leaders, spread their beliefs, and before you know it you have entire species hating one another."

"To be honest, we're lucky there are only three types of supernaturals," I sighed. "Have you seen the humans?"

Damien's lips pressed into a thin line at my question. "It's funny because they all look the same. With Fae's, Vampire's, and Wolves, it makes a little more sense that our differences drive us apart, because we all have different abilities. But with humans... it's just their features. They don't have magic, or wolves, or anything supernatural. It's just their appearances that they allow to split them up."

I nodded, unsure where this discussion even came from. "People always find something to call out about the other. If it wasn't their physical features, then it would've been something else. Believe it or not, but this is essentially the root cause of wars and division. Our desperation to find something to dislike. It's disappointing, really."

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