Jungkook: How did you find out?

Jennie: I stopped by taehyung's office and his dad was so excited over something so I asked him and of course it had something to do with you you're fuckin gonna marry who was supposed to be my husband!

Jungkook: The only reason he wanted to marry you was to trying forget about me but he couldn't

Jennie: you fucking piece of shit!

Jungkook: listen you might think taehyungie hyung is still in love with you but he isn't and I can prove it

Jennie: Oh yeah? Prove it then Mr. perfect

Taehyung woke up a few minutes ago as he wraps his arms around jungkook's waist from behind kissing his cheek

Taehyung: Baby come back inside don't go outside it's too cold

Jungkook: Hyung do you love me?

Taehyung: Of course I loves you

Taehyung pecks jungkook's lips repeatedly as the younger closes the door Jennie was in shock

Jennie: He was never liked that with me! When we dated he was always so cold and very uncaring what does he have had that I don't! What's so good about him!

Taehyung heard her as jungkook sits back on the couch the older tiger male opens the door to confront her

Taehyung: The difference is he waited

Taehyung shuts the door locking it Jennie grips her fists leaving jungkook was confused about to get in the shower as taehyung pulls him back kissing him

Taehyung: I know that was sudden but I feel clingy

Jungkook: Don't cling too much it's cute but it gets annoying quick you're both of those

Jungkook giggles pecking his cheek going to the restroom taking a shower tae smiles cleaning up a bit after they finish jungkook focuses on work while taehyung was looking to through paperwork sighing jungkook notices how stressed he is so he puts his work down massaging his husband's shoulders tae chuckles holding his hands kissing them

Taehyung: You really are so perfect to be my wife

Jungkook: nobody's perfect

Jungkook gets up making their favorite snacks so they can work both peacefully smiling and puts some hot chocolate in mugs putting them in the living room table they both work eating and drinking tae watches his baby for like a good minute jungkook notices smiling finishing his work putting it away

Jungkook: Hyung?

Taehyung: Yeah?

Jungkook: I agreed to go with jimin to the mall just for a little bit can I?

Taehyung: Baby you don't need my permission for that go ahead I'll stay home I got stuff to finish here

Jungkook: Please take breaks hyung ok?

Taehyung: I will don't worry jungkook I'll be fine

After jungkook leaves him taehyung ends up finishing as he lays on the couch moving his hair back he takes his work looking through it afterwards jungkook comes back he sees no sign of his husband he goes upstairs to checking his home office seeing he was there working on some stuff jungkook went in kissing his head taehyung holds his hand kissing it

Jungkook: How you holding up?

Taehyung: I'm fine baby how was you're little session with jimin?

Jungkook: It was okay are you planning to stay here?

Taehyung: No I already finished I'm just gonna get ready for bed

Jungkook: I have a surprise for you!

Taehyung raised an eyebrow in curiosity as the younger went into his bag of stuff grabbing something going into the restroom changing tae smiles getting up leaning on his desk as jungkook came back wearing a black lingerie showing his baby

Jungkook: How is it hyungie?

Taehyung clears his throat grabbing his hands pinning them against the wall licking his lips

Taehyung: Now this makes me needy as fuck

Jungkook: Then let me make you more needy

Jungkook takes it off revealing his entire body to the older while making small grin taehyung kisses his neck

Taehyung: you're gonna regret this


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