September 8th, 2018.

Start from the beginning

I went into the kitchen, it was stocked with the food I requested, put away nicely in the dark oak wood cabinets and in the sleek black double door fridge. There was a nice sleek black coffee maker on one white stone counter, "Whoever it is, it's a coffee snob too."

I opened some cabinets and saw in some the roommate had pots and pans in the one cabinet near the stove, resealable containers in the one near the fridge, then plates and glasses in the one above the sink, and coffee mugs in the one above the coffee pot. The utensils that you used to cook were in the drawer near the stove and the everyday utensils were near the sink. Everything was easily accessible when you were busy cooking.

"You'll get along, then." Eve joked.

"Whoever it is, is very neat, everything has a place." I murmured.

"OCD neat? Or just plain neat?"

"Nice neat... not messy, but not OCD neat." I replied quietly, looking around, that is when I saw it, on the wall near the entryway, a white box built into the wall. I walked to it, clearly confused.

An alarm. There was a little post-it note with the code.


I punched it in then the lock button, it beeped once, signaling everything was locked and set for bed.

"Huh. They have an alarm system. And the code, I will never remember it!"

"You will after a while, it will take some time. But that is cool that he has an alarm in his apartment. Bet you feel a tad safer."

"I do, a little bit more, yeah." Then I remembered a little remote button like a key fob for your car, on my one nightstand, "Oh that's what that was! I have a panic button in my room."

"Whoah, that is cool."Eve said, she sounded a tad more relaxed.

"Yeah, he probably added it when I said I was running away from a guy."

"Most likely, if so that was sweet."

"Yeah, it is." I murmured.

"Well I am just glad they are well informed with it and a good idea, I am glad you seem to be safe where you are. I gotta go, when you find out who it is--"

"I'll call you. Goodnight Eve." I said to her, finishing her sentence.

"Be careful girlie." Then we hung up.

I walked around the apartment, making sure I locked up and made sure every window was shut and locked up.

The apartment was spacious but also small, in a good way. There was a large living area when you entered the apartment, then the bedrooms were on either side of the living room, where there was a large flat screen tv, a black leather couch, a dark oak coffee table, and under the table there was a multi-colored rug. Not these new-age ones, it looked like from Egypt or somewhere in the Middle East. Next to my bedroom, I had a full bathroom with a shower and soaker tub, the rugs and towels in there were a soft baby blue, very soothing, the sink and cabinets were empty, so obviously the roommate had a master bathroom in his room, so this was my bathroom.

Then behind the living area there was a small kitchen and a small two-person dining room table.

The table was cleaned off and there were two white knitted placemats near the two chairs. There was an artificial flower arrangement in the middle of the small table.

The apartment was small but whoever was my roommate made it cozy and welcoming. All the walls were an off white and the counters in the bathroom and kitchen were white tile. It was bright and airy with a little splash of color here and there.

Roommates. (Mena Massoud)Where stories live. Discover now