Undercover in High School [Chapter 4]

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Undercover in High School

[Chapter 4]

"She's such a bitch." I groaned as I collapsed onto the living room couch.

"Tell me about it." Lyric said as he started inspecting the house, making sure that no one had broken in while we were at school.

"Jeez Lry, no one knows who we really are, you can calm down." I rolled my eyes.

"Just 'cause I can't see you doesn't mean I don't know you're rolling your eyes at me. And what would happen if one time I didn't check, like you said, and then you got killed?" Lyric called down from somewheres upstairs.

I just sighed, not bothering to respond. Instead I decided that a snack sounded good right about now. By the time I had cut up an apple and dished some peanut butter into a bowl Lyric was checking the kitchen.

As I was walking past him, he attempted to snag one of my apple pieces but I easily swatted away hisattempt. I laughed, "So much for being a body guard." But kept moving, not wanting him to actually try and take my food.

I took up my spot on the couch again and flipped on the television to MTV. Turns our I probably shouldn't have.

On the screen was one of those MTV news reporters, and guess what they were talking about? Yeah, the fact that I had, more or less, disappeared.

We have been told by areliablesource like Rose Dupre has gone undercover because of a romance. It is being said that her and a man named 'Frederico' have fallen in love and she is now pregnant. This is all the information we have at the time, when we get more you'll be the first to know.

My jaw almost hit the floor as I watched the blonde lady disappear into a commercial. What in the worldwas that?!

I felt the couch move as Lyric sat down next to me. He must have been confused by my look because I saw him look back and forth between me and the TV a few times before asking, "What's wrong?" In a worried tone.

I just started laughing, eventually my sides started to hurt. All the mean while, I kept getting worried looks from Lyric. Though they were looks saying that he was worried for my sanity not safety.

Once I was able to catch my breath a little, I manged to choke out, "They...think...I'm pregnant with...a random....guy they made up." Then the laughing started all over again.

I noticed as Lyric cracked a smile, trying not to laugh.

I guess, I shouldn't be laughing, but the fact was that I knew it wasn't true, let people think what they want. Obviously when I didn't have a baby they would know that I was not pregnant. Then again... they'll probably come up with some crazy story saying I had an abortion...

My laughing was cut short as I thought this. Maybe... I should call Susan, get her tostraightenthings out...

I quickly stood up and grabbed my phone before running up to my bedroom and dialing Susan's personal number.


By the end of the night Susan had everything sorted out, and MTV was set straight. I was notpregnant. They evenapologizedto Susan about the whole mess. Lyric had also ordered us pizza seeing as I didn't want to cook and he... well let's not even go there. Let's just say last time Lyric tried cooking we needed a new place to live...

But Lyric was still being the over protective brother that I knew him for. He wouldn't even let me answer the door when the pizza guy came. Instead I was told to go wait in my room till he called me down.

Pretty sure pizza guys don't keep their guns in the shapes of pizza and a soda bottle. But then again, that just might be me.

I had finished up my two hours worth of homework in half an hour, and was now sliding into the warm safety known as my bed. Ah, bed, how I missed you.


The next morning, I was feeling pretty good, but like yesterday morning, I woke up late and had to scramble to get ready. Lyric though, was the image of perfection. He was dressed and had already made breakfast, as much as he could at least.

He handed me a piece of toast with Nutella spread on it. Igratefullythanked him as I rushed out of the house into the Jeep. The ride, was the same as yesterday, and I could feel myself slipping into a routine. Not that I minded, it was comfortable.

Or... It was comfortable.

When we reached the school, people werestaringat us. Even when we looked at them, they didn't stop - which I found kind of rude - unless... no. They couldn't know!

...Could they?

I gave Lyric a worried look, "What if they know?" I whispered.

"They couldn't. Just don't say anything, what if it's something else. Plus I'm sure you would be mobbed if they knew." He said calmly.

That was a good point, so I just nodded and the two of us kept walking towards our lockers. Which is exactly where we found out why people were staring at us so openly.

Our two lockers werecompletelyspray painted. In different colors there were different words. But they all had one thing in common, they were meant to be hurtful. There had also been a bunch of sticky notes that followed.

I guess I should have beenembarrassed, that it should of bothered me. But it reminded me of the pregnancy incident yesterday. Just shrug it off and act like you don't care. As long as I know it's not true, it doesn't matter.

And that's what I kept telling myself as I unlocked my locker. And it was working, until I was hit with a bucket of paint, followed by anoverwhelmingnumber of feathers.

To make matters worse, the paint was yellow...

Great. Just great.


sorry its not too long, but someones been distracting me as i wrote *cough cough* you know who you are :P but besides that lol, i have pink eye and my eye is bothering me, which makes it kinda hard to type xD

but hopefully you guys enjoy it :D

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