The Nutcracker Princess: Chapter 6

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Chapter Six


"You mean the Grinch?"

Phoebus looked confused for a moment then he let out a loud, raucous laugh."So, I assume you've metthe nightmare before Christmas"

I chuckled at this nickname and made a face."Sadly yes, he's not exactly a chip off the old block is he?"

"Tell me about it! Ever since he was a kid he's being causing trouble, Santa's at his wits end. Noel is supposed to take over the family business in the few years and you can't have a Santa who hates Christmas, can you?"

I shook my head, heaving a sigh. "So, Santa wants me to make sure he's not going to cause any trouble while he's here?"

The snowman nodded.

"Yep, though you had better watch him, he's a tricky one that boy."

"Don't worry; tell Santa I won't let him down." I certainly wasn't going to let some wannabe rebel get the better of me, if he took one step out of line, I'd tie him up with tinsel and force him to watch White Christmas till festive cheer was coming out of his ears.

"Sugar, I wish you luck, and if you ever need any help-" He handed me a brooch in the shape of a candy cane, "Rub this and sing the magic words: Christmas time, mistletoe and wine.

I raised an amused eyebrow.

"Isn't that from a Cliff Richard song?" Phoebus looked embarrassed.

"The magic words sooo weren't my choice,"

I smiled and pinned it onto my pyjama collar, watching Mr Sparkle get up and adjust his scarf. "Righto, Igotta' get back to the north. Toodles, Holly!"

"Laters Phoebus!" I waved, as he disappeared before my eyes in a cloud of rainbow-hued smoke. He certainly knew how to make an exit.

Getting up from the soggy log, I started to make my way back to the school. Even though the thought of 'babysitting' Noel Pringle was about as appealing as wrestling with an angry crocodile, I was amazed that Santa had chosen me of all people to help him out. However, it wasn't like I could tell any of my friends about it as they'd probably just think I'd banged my head off a low hanging bauble.

I had nearly reached my bedroom window when I heard a peculiar sound. A high-pitched giggle. It was the kind of giggle you would hear when a girl was flirting furiously with the object of her affections. It was probably just Claire up to her usual tricks, though something inside me was telling me it was a lot more sinister. Creeping over to the entrance of the rose garden, I listened closely and heard it again, whoever the mysterious giggler was, they were close.

"It's so nice to see you again! "A breathy female voice tittered, from behind a cluster of fir trees.

Bingo! Crawling over to the nearby firs, I peeped through the branches and let out an audible gasp, leaning against the nearest tree was Noel, joined by a glamorous blonde in a silver dress.

"If only I could say the same thing." He sighed, looking at her with a bored expression. "What do you want Lumi? I told you not to bother me unless it was important."

The blonde smiled, and ran her finger seductively down the centre of his chest. "Oh Noely, don't be silly! Didn't you miss me?"

He swatted away her hand and rolled his eyes.

"Nope," He replied bluntly, "Now, if you don't mind, I'll be going." He turned to walk away, but the girl stuck out a slim, pale arm, blocking his path.

"You don't want me to go telling your daddy what you're up to, do you?"

He smiled dangerously.

"You wouldn't dare." Without another word, he marched off back towards the main building, leaving Blondie to pout dejectedly at the ornamental pond. As she silently fumed, I frantically dashed back to my room.

Thumping down at my laptop, I typed 'Lumi' into my homepage's search engine. For some reason, that name was familiar. I didn't have to wait long before the results appeared on the screen.

Lumi, a sorceress of great power, better known as the Snow Queen.

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