Cole finished off the last civilian. "That it?" He asked. Jack stood up.

"That's it." And back to base they went.

"There's a car," Jack explained as they walked into camp, "we'll use it to get there. We'll load it with gas and some extra tanks. But we can't drive it day and night. We have to camp at night to save as much as we can. There's food, but expect to have to do some scavenging. We can't handle too much weight. Ammunition is-"


The sound came from behind them. They both turned and found Carl sprinting in their direction. When he was close enough Carl threw himself into Cole's arms for a hug.

"I missed you." He said. "You didn't say bye this morning."

"You can thank Jack for that." Cole said.

"Are you coming?" Carl asked.

"Coming to what?"

"The party!" Carl explained. "A few of the other soldiers mentioned that we're going somewhere and that they're throwing us a going away party. Do you know where we're going?"

Cole turned to Jack for permission to speak. Jack nodded his head and continued to make his way further into camp, leaving Cole to finish his conversation in private.

"California." Cole said. "San Francisco, your hometown. We're going to go see Waylon Brose so he can sign a treaty for us and end the war."


"I should go." Cole said. "I have to help Jack get ready for the trip. Go to the party without me."

"Would you like me to bring you something?" Carl asked. "I think they'll have cake!"

"Sure." Cole said. "Get me a slice."

Carl left for the party and let Cole follow his leader's path. Cole found Jack in the garage loading crates of rations into a Jeep. When Jack noticed Cole he started talking again, picking up the conversation where they had left off.

"Ammunition is scarce." He said as he sat a crate in the trunk. "But that shouldn't be a problem because you're to hold your fire against anyone we see unless they attack us first. Part of the agreement with Brose is that we don't kill anyone else."


"On the way there."


"Your turn." Cole told him. They both turned and found Axel making his way towards them.

"What do you want, Axel?" Jack asked.

"I wanted to know if the band at the party can take musical requests?"

"Axel," Jack began, "you can just tell them what you want them to play. You don't need my permission."

"It didn't seem like my place." Axel said. "They're not my soldiers."

"Then tell them it's an order from me and give them a song list." Jack said.

"You're very kind, Jack." And just as quickly as he had shown up, Axel was gone. Cole and Jack continued packing. Just a little while later, the two could hear loud music blaring from the party. Old music. Classical music. Axel's music.

By the time the party was over, Jack and Cole were nearly done. Two more tanks of gasoline and they could depart. Around this time Carl came bearing a plate with a slice of chocolate cake wrapped in plastic and Axel followed close behind him bearing a radio.

"I got you some cake!" Carl told Cole.

"Thank you, Carl."

"And I brought the radio!" Axel announced.

"Why is that special?" Cole asked.

"We need to keep in contact with Waylon Brose." Axel explained. "We don't want him thinking we up and abandoned the mission."

The sound of the last gas tank being loaded into the Jeep ended the conversation.

"Okay." Jack said. "Let's go."

"Isn't this exciting?" Carl asked Cole. "I can't wait to go home. I haven't seen it in so long. Have you ever been to the Bay Area?"

"I haven't." Cole said.

"I have to show you the bridge when we get there. There's a magnificent view of it from the campus."

Both Carl and Cole loaded themselves into the backseat. Axel sat in the passenger's seat and Jack in the driver's. This configuration reminded Cole of the first time he'd met Axel and Jack. The first drive when he thought that Jack was out to kill him. Honestly, how time flew. Or didn't fly? Five years was a long time.

As Jack started the engine, the radio began to buzz and hum and from it came a voice.

"Hello, boys." It greeted. "Let's get this party started, shall we?"

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