Morning Contemplations

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A ray of impenetrable sunshine pours its way into my cramped room through the small window next to my desk, hitting me right in the forehead. I slowly get up, stretching and cracking my back. Hopefully today won't be as thrilling as yesterday.

Sure, everyone likes themselves a little bit of recklessness every now and then, but I'm at least trying to have a normal life while I'm here. At least until I encountered Charlie...

As I slip on my Welton uniform, I continue to stare at the note he had left for me on my bed, which I had placed on my small desk before knocking out. Why did he want me to meet him off campus?

There was a sudden knock on the door, my body jolting in response. I lunges for the note, crumbling it in my palm. "Yes?..."

A sudden, familiar voice replied. "Victoria.. hello. I never had the chance to.. um.." Mr. Keating cleared his throat. "Can I come in? This would be easier to say face to face rather than behind a door."

I shuddered a breath, relieved it wasn't Nolan snooping around as always. I opened the door to witness the small smile of the century. "It's fine.. sure." I stepped aside as he brushed through.

He lowered his voice as he spoke. "Listen. I wanted to apologize for that incident in my class. I never meant for any of that to happen, and I promise it won't again. I want for you to try again." I raised a hand, but he continued. "I understand if you don't want to, but I think it would be good for them. And remember what I taught you about giving up." He pursed his lips as he looked on at me.

I returned with a small smile and a slight chuckle. "Yes, I do remember. But... I don't want to get caught. There's just so much at stake for this. My job, life here in America.."

Keating reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know, but I'm not just trying to teach these kids about literature. I'm trying to teach them about life, about the dangers of conforming to what society wants them to be. Perhaps if you're just in a few classes with them, they'd understand."

A sigh escaped my lips, defeated.

He's risking everything for this, not just me. All of this for his students. It's... inspirational.


"Charlie, get up." A distant, yet annoying voice called from the end of my sleep. I opened my eyes slowly, looking up to the culprit, slowly reaching behind me and gripping the thin pillow, swinging it at his head. Cameron rubbed his head slowly. "Owww.. you know that actually hurt a bit."

I tiredly chuckled, swinging my legs over the bed to get up. "Just giving you a taste of what the hell you put me through, that's all."

But unlike Cameron, the pain of getting up isn't what was on my mind. I looked over at the clock, wondering if Victoria has gotten up too.

What if she never got my note. A sigh escaped my lips. Obviously she got it, I made sure it got to her room. But...

"We've got to get to the common room in 10, Charlie." Cameron tossed my uniform at my face, causing a glare to shoot from my eyes. He reached for his books to leave when I replied softly.

"Hey..." he glanced over. "What did you think of the meeting last night?" More importantly, did you think I could bring Victoria along next time?

Cameron glanced at the open door, shock written all over his face. He shook his head and sighed. "It was.... refreshing I guess. Different to say the least. But don't say it so loud."

I gripped the clothes my roommate tossed at me and stretched. "Damn, Cam. I was whispering." I peered over at him as he reached the door. "Just close it as I change."

THE LAUNDRY REBEL ✧.*ೃ༄ charlie daltonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum