Chapter 29: Let's get a move on

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As he took the top box off the stack he said, "Wow, this is heavier than I expected. I thought it would have been lighter since you're carrying three."

I said innocently, "They aren't that heavy." Just as I finished saying that, Toshi and Aizawa came out carrying boxes.

It was now official. I was moving and there were no ifs, ands or butts about it. We were starting to fill up the car. I didn't know how I felt about it. I was feeling so many emotions.

After fitting in all of the boxes that I had, there was still room for about ten boxes. I didn't own much; but for the stuff that I do own, they are fairly small. At least on the bright side we only had to make one trip and I teleported back twice; for the sofa and all that was on it along with the sofa's two matching chairs, then for my bed.

"Are you ready to go, Y/N? Aizawa and Mic are waiting in the car for you. You know you have to go so you know where to teleport to." Toshinori asked me as he walked past the kitchen. I stood up from leaning on the back of the sofa and walked past him. "Hey, you alright?" I just nod my head and continue on to the car. Toshi stayed back to wait for me to teleport back.

When I got to the car, I opened the door and buckled up. Once Mic heard me buckle myself in, he asked, "You ready?"

I respond quietly, "Yeah." He then started the car and drove off to their apartment.

Once we made it to their apartment, I was taken by how fancy the outside looked. I couldn't imagine how it would look on the inside since all I have ever known was a cheap, run-down one. When Mic shut off the car, Aizawa got out to unlock the door while Mic and I went to the trunk to grab boxes to carry in. I followed behind Mic since I had no idea where I was going. Once we stepped inside I had to stop in awe to take in the huge living space that I'll be living in. When you stand at the entryway by the door facing the inside, to your left is a staircase and ahead of you is a very short hallway; only about five yards long if you were to measure it from the door to the end of the hall. Just on the other side of the stairs is a huge closet (or so I've been told). When you walk out of the hall, it opens up into a loft style apartment. Half of the wall that's facing the outside are huge windows that stretch from the floor to the ceiling. To the right is a bathroom and a bedroom. To the left is a kitchen tucked in the wall (just beyond the closet space) so that there is an eight foot ceiling like when you enter. In front of that is a spacious living room placed hidden behind the wall half while the dining room is placed behind the vast window.

"Are you coming?" Mic asked me as he stopped at the landing looking back at me.

I reply, "Yeah." then followed him upstairs. Once you were at the top of the stairs, you overlooked the living room and dining room. There was a short walk way which made you turn left. Once you were facing the same wall that held the huge window, there were two bedrooms. As I followed Mic into the furthest room from the stairs, I heard Aizawa flop onto their sofa.

Once we walked into my new bedroom, I stopped in awe again as to how big it was. It was a mini loft style. If you were to stand in the doorway, to the left was a huge window, but this covered the whole wall. To the right, not even a yard from the door was a bathroom attached to the bedroom. About four yards beyond the bathroom door, the wall indented about nine feet. If you were to have your back to the window and be facing the indent; in the corner to the right was a spiral staircase while to the left was empty space. Once you climbed into the loft area, it was as long as the room was and about eight feet deep.

While Mic sat down the boxes to the left of the staircase he asked, "Would here be fine?"

I snapped out my surprise and replied, " That's fine." I then walked over to the same area and sat the boxes that I was carrying down. Once the two of us (Aizawa fell asleep as soon as he hit the couch I guess, so it was just Mic and I to move boxes) finished moving boxes, I teleported back to my old apartment. Once I appeared, I startled Toshi.

"Jesus fuh-" He grabbed the shirt that lay on his chest , "You startled me." Once he calmed down he asked, "Ready to move what little is left?" I nod my head. Just as I did he asked another question, "Hey, are you alright? You seem to be quieter than usual-I mean you are quiet to begin with- but still...I can tell something is weighing in on you."

I let out a sigh as I sat on the arm of the sofa, "I'm just...overwhelmed...ya know?" I paused then continued, "Their apartment is a mansion compared to this stuffy little thing. I mean, yeah I love it here but there, my bedroom is bigger than this...and that doesn't even have a kitchen." I then add in a somber tone, "I'm gonna miss it here."

He then said in an understanding tone, "Of course you will. This was practically your first home." There was silence while I looked around the apartment for the near last time that I would be there. As I walked around, in and out of each room, I thought of moments that happened in each room. For example, in my bedroom, I thought about all of the instruments that I learned and mastered in there. In the kitchen, all of the home-cooked meals that I made myself. The living room, all the times that I fell asleep on the sofa which caused me to be late for school a few times. The bathroom, all of the times that I killed myself and was brought back to life with that quirk.

I then walk to the sofa. This time I was the one to ask, "Are you ready?" Toshi just nodded his head and put a hand on the two chairs as he sat on the arm of the opposite end of the sofa. I then teleported to my new bedroom.

"Wow, you weren't kidding on how big your room is now." He then let go of the chairs and stood up. "I have been here before countless times but I have never been upstairs...which I think is where this is located...right?" I nod my head before I tell him that I was going to teleport back one last time to get my bed. I then did just as I said and walked to my bed which was located in the corner for the whole time that I lived in that apartment. I flopped down on the bed and teleported back. I teleported the bed up to the loft of the bedroom so then I wouldn't have to move it. It fit perfectly up there.

I then got up and walked to the railing and asked Toshinori, "Hey, d'you want me to teleport you home?"

He looked up as he answered, "If you want. It would save me the time and money."

I then walked down to him. Just as I made it to him I said, "I told you that I owe you a lot and that I better start now."

I then teleported him home and came back. Once I got back I all of a sudden felt really sleepy. I cleaned myself up, changed into sleep attire then went to bed. As I laid in bed, there were a few knocks at the door followed by a voice, "Hey Y/N, how's the unpacking going?" It was Mic.

I then heard a pair of footsteps approach followed by Aizawa's voice, "Shut up. As you can see by the light under the door, there is none. She's probably already gone to bed. Let her sleep. She's had a stressful evening."

Mic then whispered but he was still loud enough that I was able to hear him, "Oh...well then...wanna watch a movie?"

They started to walk off as I heard Aizawa reply, "No, I too want to go to sleep."

Mic then said in a whiny voice, "Aww...C'mon Sho...You're no fun."

Aizawa deadpanned, " 'No fun' is my middle name." Mic then huffed as they made their way down the steps. Within a few minutes of silence, I fell asleep.

Heroes Need Saving Too (BNHAxReader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz