He said with a smile while looking at me and fuck did I want to lift my hand to his face and feel those lips with my finger. God those beutifull brown eyes where driving me crazy they were full of so many emotions there was a war going on in them and I was afraid of wich feelings would dominate the others. I got up from. Where I sat and he looked back toward the view.

"I'll see you later " he said with out glancing my way and I felt like I was letting him down by walking away. He needed some one right now and I couldn't be that some one anymore I started to head out and he stopped me when he talked again.

"If you ever feel like not talking let me know I'll be available."

I smiled he would be available for me. stop it that's not what he meant. He was probably just saying he would be there if you needed but I would love to talk or not talk with him when ever he wanted.

I walked back down to my bike and made my way to my meeting with Viper I was going to be staying with them for a couple days until I got as much information as I could about them and then came back to give it to Trigger and from there we would plan out our next move.


I managed to convince Viper and his crew that I was not a threat that I was an ally. I told them I had some issues with the Diablos and he ate it up like a child on Halloween and his bucket of candy. With a smile and excitement wanting me to join them on what they called there revenge for what? they never said but I didn't really want to know.

It's been 2 days and I've got nothing I'm sitting at a bar with a girl on my lap trying to get in my pants but my mind wasn't there my mind was on Prince. I was hoping he was doing better, I wanted so badly to go check but I couldn't. I couldn't risk it.

My phone started to ring and when I pulled it out it was an unknown number I got up and stepped out side to answer and when I did the most soothing voice came through.

"Hey, just checking up on you. You haven't called and no one knew how it was going I got your number from my dad I hope its ok."

God he sound so good I was already starting to get hard. I couldn't stop my brain from conjuring images of him shirtless in the kitchen that day. But I had to stop had to make this call quick had to go back in there and back to trying to fit in with these sick basterds .

"Hey, no it's all good I'm doing fine. I didn't really have a chance to call these past two days. How are you?"

"I'm ok thing are slow on this end. Still not allowed at church but I'm not worried as long as I get to take care of him at the end."

"I promise you will. Is this you not talking? I mean I dont mind I quite enjoy our not conversations."

He laughed for a little bit before answering but God I didnt know how much I missed that laugh and those dimples I wish I could see those dimples of his.

"Yeah, this is me not talking. What about you got anything to share?"

I thought about saying no. I thought about hanging up, going back inside and getting back to what I should be doing and was going to voice it out but what came out wasn't what i was planning on saying.

"Give me a minute." I walked further away from the bar to a picnick table secluded to the side of the yard where I could see everything, I sat down and spoke again.

"Your dad found me in an alleyway 3 years ago, dying." I paused to see if he had anything to say but only heard breathing on his end. "He took me to a safe location got a doctor to come by and patch me up. But by the time the doctor arrived my heart had stopped beating to much blood loss, they brought me back and he had to operate on me I had been shot at and there were 6 bullets inside me. Sitting in my body like they were ment to be there. They had burned hole in my not so perfect body, the doctor couldn't promise me making it through the night and ur dad sat with me after the operation asked me to talk to him about what happend and I did. I had nothing to lose anyways. By the time I had finished telling him what happend he was furious, he couldn't believe it he was cursing and his fist were clenched so tight that he drew blood from his palm. He told me he would get revenge for me if I didnt make it but I did. And I couldn't let him put his club at risk for me I wasn't worth it, I'm not worth it so I left with out telling them. Him and your mom went to get me some things and I left I went back to my home town to take care of things."

I stopped talking I know it wasn't really me telling him what happend but that was the point to speak with out really talking, to talk with out actually saying anything.

"And do you still feel that way?"

"What way?"

"Like your not worth it?"

"A little."

"Well I hope that changes soon."

"Me too."

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes just listening to our breathing when I saw one of the guys drag a women in to the house by her hair. And I knew this was it.

"I'm sorry Prince, I have to go. Can I call you later?."

"Yeah sure, when ever you want or don't I'll be here."

I chuckled a little. "Okay, good night Prince. Tell momma I'm doing good, no trouble on my end. Tell her I'll call to speak with her soon and that I love her. Bye "


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