Green Love: Sandor Clegane x Reader

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Request: Hi! I was wondering if I could request a fic where the reader knew Sandor when they were kids and they reunite in Winterfell when the King comes and confess that they had crushes?

As you hurried through the halls of Winterfell you couldn't help but smile. it dawned on you how far you had come. Once, a child of the Westerlands, you were now serving the ancestral house of the North.

Perhaps it was improper to thing that way, but you did not miss home. Once upon a time, there had been someone to miss, but that seemed like a life time ago. You were lucky enough to be serving such a great and ancient house. Your parents had served Tywin Lannister and his father before him, but you were grateful for the kindness in Lord Stark's voice when he shouted commands. The North had treated you kindly, no matter what the rest of the Seven Kingdom's had to say about it.

You had learned to love the North and its family. From far away you could hear pompous trumpets announcing the King's riders, though the footsteps of the servants running about the corridors were louder than the horses.
"They're here", a young serving girl squealed.

Just as the gates opened and the first riders poured into the courtyard, as the King had finally reached Winterfell, you had made it to a balcony. The Queen's carriage stopped in the middle of the old sad courtyard and you held your breath. You had known Cersei when she had been just the daughter of the Hand. The blonde beauty had not known you. You had just been smallfolk and Tywin's daughter never had time for those people anyways. You doubted that it had changed.

Still, you sucked in a sharp breath when she exited the carriage. The years had treated her very kindly, too. She was even more beautiful than when you had last seen her. Every inch of her demanded to be worshipped. Yet, someone else truly took your breath away. across the courtyard someone had caught your eye.

Someone you had not seen in years, not since he had been a boy. Your eyes found his face and those feeling that had existed a life time ago dug themselves out of their graves. One look at that man was all that it had taken.

But it would have to wait. You couldn't exactly strut past the King and Lord and Lady Stark just because you felt like it, no, you had to wait, and so you did.

There was to be a feast held in the King's honour and after you had found out that Sandor Clegane was to attend, too, you decided that you would try to see him there. You pulled out your finest robes from the bottom of your chest and when the night came you prayed to the Gods that the smell of old wood had been aired out.

The lights inside were dim but you had been here at Winterfell for quite some time now. You were used to the cold and the dark, sometimes perhaps a bit too much. In the flicker of the flames his scars stood out amongst the rest of the guards.

When it had happened, they had been so red and angry, he had been, too. A young boy he had been but from that day on, he had not been the Sandor you had know. Something inside of him had changed. Hatred had burned his scars into his face and hatred it was that had dictated his actions from then on.

Sometimes it had seemed like you had been the only exceptions to it.

"They're all rotten, rotten, I tell you", he had roared once.
"Even me", you had asked shyly.
"No, not you. You're too good for them." l Perhaps he would show you the same kindness and the same genuine look into his soul as he had back then.

You approached the guards and cleared your throat.

"Clegane, the Prince is in need of your service." It had been the only thing that had come to your mind that would make him leave the group in the first place.
Biting your bottom lip, you were hoping that your little lie was enough to make him turn his head.

You watched has his shoulders tensed and you felt that he was about to spit an insult at you but when his eyes found yours, he swallowed dryly and only nodded.

He followed you outside into the cold night.
Perhaps it was improper, but without a warning, you threw yourself around his neck.
"I missed you, Sandor", you sighed but you drew back when you noticed the stiffness of his posture.
"It's the Hound now. No more of that Sandor shite." You opened your mouth, but he would not let you speak. "What are you doing up here?"
"Well", you said and crossed your arms in front of your body, "Sandor, I serve the Lord and Lady Stark now. You serve another house now and so do I."
No harsh words this time, only a raised eyebrow. "I hoped we could speak like we did when we were little, but I was mistaken, I bid you good night, ser."
"Fuck you and your sers", he sneered.
"You truly have changed. Gods, and to think that I was in love with you", you turned on your heel and were off to your chambers, but his strong hand clasped around your arm, holding you back.

"You were in love with me?" His expression changed right there. He was the Hound no more, but little Sandor, playing in the fields with you, laughing and collecting flowers.
"Yes", sou said but you held your head high. You were not going to take another insult.
He let some air escape his nose. "All these years", he began to muse.
"When I was still green from head to toe, I thought that I would marry you some day."
A small smile spread across your lips and you gently placed a hand over his. "My feelings have not changed", you said and then an ever so careful thought escaped your mouth, "have yours?"
"Never", he said and smiled before walking back towards the buzzing noise of the feast

A/N: it's been a while my friends. I don't know if anyone is still reading my stuff.

Is my writing still readable? I'm writing this while slightly feverish so please forgive me if it's not too good.

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