Chapter 8: Saving A Muggleborn

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"The Cruciatus Curse, also known as Crucio; is one of the unforgivable curses. The Dark Lord uses it to punish those who deserve it; Mudbloods, or those who think wrongly of the Dark Lord. He wants me to teach it to you guys today; as he thinks it's a good idea for you to know it; I agree"

I rolled my eyes as Fernier taught Charms; we were on the topic of Unforgivable Curses. For once I actually missed our charms teacher; he actually taught us spells that mattered. Watching Fernier trying to teach the flick and swish motions for the curse made me sick; I don't want to ever use this spell let alone learn it.

"So, today you will be practicing this curse on Mudbloods" I held my breath as a bunch of students from 1-3rd year came in; all of them Muggleborns. To my horror I could also see Brianna amongst them; looking terrified.

"Are you mental? I'm not using a torture curse on kids" a kid from Ravenclaw said; as soon as the words left his lips he fell to the floor in pain as Fernier cursed him. The Ravenclaw was thrashing about; screaming in agony. It stopped as soon as it started; and the boy clutched his side not moving anymore.

"Anyone who refuses will also receive the curse" no one said anything else; what were we supposed to do?

"So let's get started" he turns to the kids and points one out in a Hufflepuff uniform; she had bleach blonde hair; brown eyes and tan skin. She looked to be in 2nd year; her friends watching her anxiously as she was picked from the bunch. The girl didn't even make it halfway across the room before Fernier cursed her; her screams were much louder than the older Ravenclaw. She dropped to the floor and started twitching after he lifted the curse. She was breathing heavily and was staring right up at the ceiling; not blinking. I was breathing harder now; I couldn't do this.

"You! Next" my eyes widened when he picked out Brianna; she trembled as she walked forward; locking her eyes with me before looking back at Fernier. Please don't make us watch this; how could they allow such a thing at school?

What a stupid way to think Draco; this isn't like first year when everything was handled by Dumbledore.

I watched as he lifted his wand; mumbling the curse towards Brianna. Her eyes widened and she too dropped to the floor; but she didn't make a sound. I watched as she looked at me again from the floor; her eyes were blank now; they held no emotion. The only way that I could tell that she was in pain was because she was crying. Tears falling down the side of her face before hitting the ground. I could tell Fernier was getting impatient and said the spell again; this time much louder and angrier. This time Brianna let out a yelp before more tears escapes; okay I can't watch this anymore.

Without thinking I lifted my wand; looking Fernier right in the eye.

"Stuplify!" the spell hit him in the chest and he flew across the room; colliding with a couple of desks that helped break his fall.

It was quite now, people around me looked towards me in shock; I guess they hadn't expected a Malfoy to help out a Muggleborn. I ignored them though and ran over to Brianna; I flipped her over and could see that her crying stopped; but she looked to be in a state of shock. I looked over at one of her friends; the Hufflpuff who got cursed as well.

"She needs to be taken to the hospital wing" she nodded and grabbed her friend along with another girl before they ran out. I heard someone groan and turned; seeing Fernier getting up off the ground. I clenched my fists; my wand in my left hand. He looked up; I could see a long cut running down his cheek; he glared at me but there was a smirk on his face.

"Looks like I'll have to talk to your parents Malfoy" my eyes widened,

Why didn't I think that was going to happen?

I Fell In Love With A Muggle- Draco Malfoy Love Story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now