(25): Alone

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Hiro x Reader requested by MikaMyru. Sorry for the wait. I'm trying get caught up on requests but it's going to take awhile. I've been very busy the last few days. And my weekend has been weird so far.
So anyways-- Enjoy!

Why do you even bother? You sit at your desk, staring at the board blankly in you Calculus class at SFIT. The whispers of students behind you make you wince. Everything they say about you is so hurtful, and they don't care. Maybe you shouldn't care either.

But you do.

Everyone here seems to hate you. Well, everyone except Hiro Hamada, who seems to stare at you quite often during the day. He sits next to you in Calculus. You figure he's just a kid, too shy to be mean to even say the hurtful things he's thinking in his head.

Little did you know, Hiro has had a crush on you for months. He wants to talk to you, to tell you that you're not alone, but he can't. How do you just bring something like that up in a conversation? Hiro sighs from his seat as the whispers continue. It's the same thing as always. The words that are passing their lips are things you've heard many times, and have found ways to stop the pain from becoming unbearable.

When class is dismissed you stand and walk out of the room before anyone else. You work on the lock of your locker. You stand there longer than necessary, hoping the hallway clears quickly. It goes quiet and you shut your locker, turning to face a group of three. Three kids, all around eighteen, the very ones who sit behind you in Calculus. The very ones who make fun of you.

"W-what do you want?" You say weakly, stuttering slightly.

They laugh. "W-what do you want?" They mock.

You glare at them and try to shove past. One of the boys grips your shoulder and shoves you back into the locker. "And where do you think you're going, girl?"

"Leave me alone," You say.

"But you're always alone," He says. "You don't have friends. You have no one. You're a freak. Why do you bother showing up everyday?"

You look down and the boy pushes you harder into the lockers. "Answer me!" He demands.

"I-I don't know." You keep your eyes down.

"Don't know, huh?" He pushes you against them again and you stumble back, falling on your back. You cry out in pain.

Hiro walks down a hallway, heading towards his locker. He stops upon hearing your cry of pain and walks the opposite way, looking for you. What was going on? Were you okay?

He turns a corner and sees the group of kids hovering over you, laughing and calling you names. "No!" He shouts, running towards you. "Get away from her!" The kids continue laughing but walk off, leaving you on the ground, touching the back of your head. You struggle to stand up and Hiro kneels beside you.

"Let me help you," He says softly.

You take his hands hesitantly and say, "Thank you."

"No problem," He says, getting lost in your (e/c) eyes.

Somehow, you find yourself smiling. Your hands still grip his and he blinks, leaning down. You freeze. What's happening? Is he going to kiss you? Why you? He's probably messing with you. Must be. Because why would he kiss you, the freak in the school?

But his lips touch yours anyways. He pulls you closer to him and holds you close. Your lips move in synch with his. For once, you feel happy. Complete. The piece of you that was missing- the happiness, the content- it was all Hiro. You were no longer alone.

You pull away and Hiro smiles. He hesitantly says, "Uh- I-I am in love with you."

"You are?"

"Yeah," He whispers.

"I love you too," You say back. Hiro smiles and kisses you again. The bell rings to end class but neither of you pull away.

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