The Scar

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I woke up and saw my scar on my chest and Lizzy was sleeping next to me cuddling with my arm. "John we need a new power source or everyone is going to find out about the other one," RJ said as I got up not waking up Lizzy and finding my jacket on my chair. I put my jacket on before anyone could see it and as I was done zipping up my jacket Ryan came running in my room. "John, Gwen is a lesbian," he yelled waking up Lizzy. "Great job Ryan you woke up Lizzy and made me angry, at the same time," I said magily putting new clothes on. "John are you going to tell them about the scar?" Gwen asked telepathically. "No, and get your butt down here," I demanded getting angrier by the second. "Here, happy now?" Gwen said teleporting next to me. "Nope," I said getting pissed off. "John why are you wearing your jacket?" Tina asked walking in. I just said nothing and continued thinking of away to fix my problem. Lizzy walked to me and kissed me on the cheek calming me down and then it hit me, to break a dimensional door to the green realm. "Beautiful you just helped me with my problem,"I said getting up and kissing her on the cheek and sprinting up stairs. After five minutes of quiet everyone found me about to run in. "John don't go in," Gwen said stopping me. "Why?" I asked. "That is how we lost GB19," she said looking down. "I told you I will find him and fix our problem before it takes full control," I said then going super speed into the portal and finding GB19 I throw him back through. the portal and collecting energy and going back through the portal myself and see every on face down and crying. "Why is everyone crying?" I asked and they all looked up and see me then run at me hugging me. "You didn't have to throw me you know," GB19 said. "I know but it was fun, Mike," I said then kissing Lizzy on the forehead. "Did my techkid get a girlfriend while I was gone?" he asked. "'Techkid'?" Lizzy asked. "I was the smart one out of my squad," I said realising that Ryan and Lizzy have not recharged. "Ryan, Lizzy so y'all need to charge and I need to go find a way to refine green energy," I said. "Your right my power level is almost out," Ryan said then grabbing tina and doing the parkour. "I have full power," Lizzy said. "How is that possible, unless me kissing you transferred energy from me to you," I said confusing everyone besides Lizzy. "John are you insane?" Gwen asked from a top of the portal. "Yes," I said very happy. then picked up Lizzy bridle style running to my lab. "You know I can walk on my own," she said as I placed her on our couch. "Yes I just wanted to carry you," I said kissing her lips. "Can you refine green energy tomorrow and sleep with me instead?" she asked pulling me down to the couch and laying on top of me. "Fine. Night beautiful," I said. "Night, my writer," she said falling asleep and then we are both asleep.

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