[Untitled]- Poem Nine

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  • Dedicated to All The Holocaust Survivers

Pushed and shoved,

Just wanting to be loved,

I do as I'm told,

If I'm to suffer through,

the horrors yet to unfold,

We the few survive.

Crowded together,

We birds of a feather

Go left or right

and with all my might,

I hope to make it through the night.

It burns and itches,

the mark from the stealers of our riches.

Our captors' voices make us twitch,

In fear of needing a stitch.

Our plight,

That has no end in sight

with snow so white,

we dare not flee or fight

in fear of our demise;

So we look to the skies.

Many have died,

And we who survived,

Shall always remember:

That our free rein,

Came by the hands,

Of the Allies.


Was another assignment, this is from the perspective of the abused people of Hitler in World War II, and I hope I did them justice. God Bless you if you read this!:)

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